Chapter Twenty-Five: Chances Worth Taking

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“Good morning,” a voice purred into my ear as hands wrapped around my waist. Someone was pressing into me from behind and the weird sensation my body got gave me a hint who it was. 

“Morning Harry,” I closed my locker and turned around, only to have my back hit the locker gently. Harry was looking down at me, his face close. He just smiled at me like I was the only girl he had eyes for. “What’s with you today?”

“Nothing,” he said with that smile still plastered on his face. He leaned in slowly, his lips turning and kissing my temple. They lingered for a moment before he pulled his face away. “Can I not appreciate my girlfriend?” He said louder this time. Out of the corner of my eye I could see girls pointing and a few had smiles on their face. Some people supported our ‘relationship’ while the other half wanted me dead.  I just laughed and rolled my eyes at the curly boy in front of me.

“I like your glasses,” I smiled at him. Harry was wearing a dark blue sweater, the color suited him well, dark jeans, and rectangle specks on his face. He could pull off any look. Hell, Harry could wear a trash bag and every girl would find it sexy as can be.

“I like you,” he cooed back. I rolled my eyes before ruffling his hair with my hand. 

“You excited for auditions today? You’ll do great,” I encourage him as he pushes himself off the lockers and grabs my hand. He doesn’t lace our fingers, but pulls me down the hall to my first class of the day.

“I’m a little nervous... I hope we do Grease so-”

“I can be your Sandy and we can practically make out on stage,” I rolled my eyes for the millionth time today and repeated what he said every time we talked about musical class.

“You take the words right out off my mouth,” he laughed loudly. Before I knew it, the laughter spread to my lips. 


“Welcome class!” Mrs. Coats greeted gayly. “Are you excited for the last day of rehearsals? Please line up!” She said quickly.

“Kiss for good luck?” Harry turned and puckered his lips. I leaned in and kissed his cheek, leaning away with a small smile. “I’ll take what I can get,” he said before getting up and standing in line.

The auditions were quick but fun. Sarah had tried out for Frenchy and did a magnificent job. Harry stepped up and a few girls cheered, giggling to themselves.

“Hello, my name is Harry Styles and I’ll be trying out for Danny Zuko,” he said with a crooked grin. “I’ll be singing Sandy,” He breathed before his face turned heartbreakingly sad and his hand rested on his chest.

“Stranded at the drive-in,

Branded a fool. What will they say Monday at school?” He slowly sauntered, serenading almost all the girls with his magical voice.

“Sandy, can’t you see? I’m in misery, 

We made a star now, now we're apart. There's nothing left for me," Harry moved his arm across the air like a shooting star. As the song carried upon, his voice got louder and more confident. I realized I was sitting almost on the edge of my seat, my eyes glued to him. Girls were in the similar position. Harry really knew how to captivate an audience; or at least the entire school's female population.

"Sandy my darling," Harry spoke, his voice wasn't it's normal british accent. He had a southern twang in it. "You hurt me real bad. You know it's true, but baby, you gotta believe me when I say... I'm helpless without you," his eyes were wide and sad.

"Love has flown, all alone," Harry belted and my skin instantly got goosebumps.

"I sit and wonder, oh why-why. Why you left me, 

Oh Sandy," Harry finally stopped, cutting the song short. The entire class erupted in a loud appluase and the teachers had pleased facial expressions. I don't what why I did it- maybe I was caught up in the moment- but I got up and ran down the risers. Harry looked up just in time to see me fling myself at him. My arms going around his neck and I pressed my body close to his. The boys cheered and I could hear my boys wolf-whistling. I giggled and pressed my lips to his ears.

"You did so good! I'm so proud of you!" I gushed as his arms wrapped around me.


“I’m going to go take a nap. Are you eating dinner with us tonight?” Liam said as he stood up from the couch, stretching like a cat.

“I don’t think so. I’ve got a huge English project to finish and my mom wants to see more of my face. She says she sees more of me on the television then she does in reality.” I said with a small smile.

“You always do homework. Take a break with me,” Harry purred into my ear. I shifted slightly, the smile wavering slightly. I kept my eyes on Liam as his lips pulled together in a pout.

“I’m sorry we’ve kept you from your school work and family.”

“Liam, don’t worry about it. I like it... Scratch that, I love it! This is honestly the coolest experience and memories in my entire life.”

“If you say so. Never be afraid to say you don’t want to do something. Night guys, bye Chris,” Liam leaned over the back of the couch and kissed my cheek before leaving the living room. My eyes moved around the room. Louis was playing a video game with Zayn, the two smack-dab in the middle of the floor, nudging each other to try and mess the other one up. Niall was sprawled across a couch, his eyes focused on the small DS he was holding. I think it was Pokemon. Harry was next to me, a science textbook open on his lap, but his eyes focused on the TV screen, watching Zayn and Louis battle it out.

I got up without a word and trotted to the kitchen, scanning my eyes for my backpack I normally left here. 

“Where do you think you’re going?” Two arms trapped me against the little island. I spun around to see Harry grinning at me. I cupped my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. Harry was as stealthy as a cat, I swear!

“I should probably get home.” I said quietly, my heart still racing.

“And you were going to go without saying goodbye to me?” His face was looming above mine. His minty breath hit me and it took all I had to not close my eyes and bask in its glory. Snap out of it Chris- you sound like a creepy fan girl.

“M-Maybe,” I stumbled on my words. Harry’s smirk let me know he enjoyed watching me squirm. 

“That was awfully rude of you.”

“Sorry?” I bent my head upwards a little, our faces even closer.

“You should be. Maybe you should make it up to me.”

“How?” I knew where this was going. I actually want it to go there.

Harry’s chest was pressed tightly against mine, so tight that I could feel his formed muscles. The look he gave me let me know he could feel everything on my chest too. His lips neared mine, his breath tickling me more. I breathed in slowly, my chest rising and falling against his. My eyes slipped close as his lips nearly brushed against mine.

“Hey guys,” Our bodies ripped apart as Niall walked in, eyes glued to his DS.

“Nope, nothing in your eye,” Harry’s hand went up to my cheek, helping cover the bright blush that swept across it. I bit my lip and looked up, going along with Harry’s fib.

“Really? I could have sworn something dropped into it,” I looked back at him and sent him a small smile as he stood up to his full height. Niall grabbed a bag of chips on the counter before turning and walking out without another word. Harry and I looked at each other, quiet laughter filled the silent kitchen.

Maybe third time will be the charm. 

Kryptonite ;One Direction;Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ