Chapter Twelve: Dilemmas

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"Knock knock!" I looked up from the couch to see Louis sticking his head in the dressing room. "You two done smooching?" I rolled my eyes as he bounced in. "Where's Harry?"

"He stepped outside to talk Elizabeth," I went back to texting on my phone, trying to keep my voice even that I wasn't a little disappointed the he left. Sarah and I were texting about Zayn.


"Are you kidding me?" I laughed as Louis took a seat next to me. I sighed before looking over at him. "Louis, I hate how I don't see you during the week." Best to change the subject.

"I should come over for dinner more."

"Stay away from my mother!"

"I can't help it if I'm super hot," Louis said with a big grin on his face.

"So vain." My eyes did another roll as Liam walked in.

"Where's Haz?"

"Phone with Elizabeth," Louis answered this time, pulling out his phone. From my spot, I could see he was on twitter. "Take a photo with me!" Louis held up his phone, the camera above the screen. "Say 'Louis Is Sexy!'"

"Louis is not!" I said with a big smile. Louis took the photo before sending me a playful glare. He attached the photo with a message that said, 'Hanging with my bestie Tina back stage!xx'

"I'm hungry," My body yawned involuntary, the lack of sleep catching up to me.

"Hi, I'm Liam," Liam sat on the makeup counter, his legs swinging back and forth.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a giggle.

"Pleasures all mine," Liam winked. "Where's Niall and Zayn?"

"Niall's eating the free buffet," Louis said, causing us all to laugh. Typical Niall. "Zayn's probably causing trouble. I think we should join him! Oh! CAN WE PLAY HIDE AND SEEK?"

"How long do we have to be here?" A small groan left my mouth. I'd rather go home and sleep.

"In an hour and a half, we're doing a photoshoot here. That's enough time to play like 10 games!"

"I'll call Niall and Zayn!" Louis stood up, phone to his ear already.

"I'll track down Harry," I got up as Liam grinned at me. "Don't say anything, it's not... " I gave up defending my actions. The hallways were narrow as I walked down an empty one. A door that led to outside was propped open. I opened it and made sure it was still propped open when I passed through it. Harry's back was to me as he held the phone up to his ear.

"I know baby, I miss you so much. It kills me not to see you," one of Harry's hand ran through his curls. "I can probably see you for the holidays, I'll come visit you. Did you watch The Scope today?" He paused, kicking the ground slightly. "Yea, that's Chris. She's cool.. I just wish it was you I was holding hands with." It felt wrong, overhearing Harry's conversation. "No, I haven't kissed her. The only one I want to kiss is you." I don't like like Harry or anything, but it still hurt to hear him say he didn't want to kiss me. I was growing fond of the boy and I couldn't pin point if it was friendly or not. "I should get going Lizzy, I miss you tons. I'll call you as soon as I can. Texting isn't the same babe. I know... Bye baby," Harry said as he disconnected the call. He turned around to see me frozen in place, his face shifting. One of his eyebrows cocked, his lips forming into a smirk. "Miss me already?"

"No," I said quickly. "The boys want to play hide and seek before your photoshoot."

"Who is going first?"

"No clue," I said, going inside. Harry was hot on my heels, shutting the door after him. Harry's arm was draped across my shoulder, leaning into me slightly. When we entered the room we found four boys waiting on the couch. I wanted to shrug it off after hearing that conversation

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