Chapter Eight: Tricking Rather Than Treating

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Thursday had flown by; dinner at my house went surprisingly well. My mom had pulled out all of our fancy chairs covers, putting them around the dainty table. As soon as Louis had walked through the door and said a few words in his charming accent, I could tell my mom had fallen in love. She constantly played with her hair around him, making me cringe. He was about half her age, but he still flirted it up with her. As he left, he gave me a big hug before kissing my mother on her cheek. Harry had pulled me into a near bone crushing hug, kissing my ear. He left with a bruise on his arm after that attempt and a smiling group of boys around him. My mother gushed about all of them for the rest of the night, demanding to see them every weekend.

Friday had finally arrived, sending the school into an excited buzz... Nearly every student was wearing some sort of item relating to Halloween. Even Tammy was participating by wearing her candy corn skirt. Sarah had on bunny ears; we had spent an entire night on the phone discussing if she should wear them to school or if it would seem too nuch. She made plans to go to one of the various parties, then come join us for movie night. Abigail had on a black beret; later tonight she'd be fully decked out in her artist costume. 

Walking down to lunch on my own, I noticed all sorts of girls in fairy wings, cat ears, or witch hats. Some football boys had joked around and the group all had on pig noises. When I got to the usual lunch table near the back, Niall was staring at me, wearing a leprechaun's hat.

"No way!" I let out a giggle as Niall made a silly face at me as I pointed at his hat. "Where are your lucky charms?"

"Me lucky charms! Oh no! I lost me lucky charms!" Niall said in a thick accent, playing up his Ireland heritage. Zayn took a seat next to Niall, looking at me with a smirk. I looked him up and down, trying to figure out his costume. He was dressed in simple khaki pants, a nice dress shirt on and blazer.

"What are you?" I eyed his fake glasses, hoping he wasn't trying to be a nerd. Zayn unbuttoned the top 3 buttons, exposing the superman symbol. "Clark Kent! Zayn, I knew you were my favorite!"

"Hey!" Niall shot me a sad look, his lips twisting into a pout.

"Hey yourself," I giggled.

Liam was next to sit down, taking a spot to my right. I looked at his John Lennon glasses, also similar to Harry Potter's. His hair was wavy, slightly inching past his ears. I smiled at his brown fringe vest, he would be a hippy. "What's happening?"

"Zayn is Chris's favorite!"

"Excuse me?" Liam raised an eyebrow as I just smiled before taking a bite into my apple.

"Good evening," a deep voice interrupted the tiny silence that passed.

"Evening officer," Zayn said with a laugh, causing me to look at the boy occupying my left side. My laugh made him look over at me, making it so his eyes peered over the aviators. 

"Find something funny?" He said with a teasing voice.

"Just the caterpillar on your face that you can't really grow," indicating the fake mustache he put on. Harry had on black slacks and a plain short sleeve light blue dress shirt. He had fake handcuffs on his belt, and an empty gun holster.  Harry rolled his own eyes, leaning out and fixing his sunglasses.

"I'm sexy, I know. No need to be jealous, babe," he said. Ever since he 'asked me out', he's been calling little pet names non-stop in public and private. He kept saying it was for habit practicing. His favorite was still Chrissy, knowing how much it irked me. I couldn't settle on calling him butter-bear or snickerdoodle. He just wasn't as embarrassed as I was, and I hated it. "I could use these and cuffs to-"

Niall threw a tater tot at him. "Don't finish that sentence, mate. She's like my sister."

"You guys excited for tonight?" I looked over at Zayn and sent him a wink. He just looked down at his pretzels, a blush sweeping his face. "Don't forget the sodas, otherwise I will kick you out. I don't care if it's Abigail's house."

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