Chapter Eleven: Awaken My Heart

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"Look at how cute they are!"

"Louis, shut up! You'll wake them," a female voice hushed the British accent.

"You got a picture, right?"

"Of course, I'm not stupid," my ears told me it was Tammy speaking. I rolled over to let them know I was awake when I felt my hands on a chest. My eyes opened slowly to see a sleeping boy whose arm was loosely wrapped around me. My face against his chest, Iooking up to see his lips slightly open, his eyes closed and curls hanging down. I shook him lightly, watching as his eyes fluttered open and a smile grace his face.

"Aww!" A voice that snapped me out of my daze gushed. I sat up slightly, my weight on my elbows. Tammy was holding her iPhone, Louis was smiling, and Liam was smirking at me. I tried to wiggle out of Harry's arm but he only held on tighter.

"Get out," the sleepy teenager yelled at his friends. Louis made a kissy face before closing the door. "Lay back down, I was comfortable," said the drowsy yet commanding boy. I laid back down, turning my back to him. His hand stayed where it was on my waist, having moved sometime in the middle of the night from my hand. It must've been habit.. I told myself. "Relax, Chrissy."

I let my heart rate slow down.My body slowly un-tensed at his words, my eyes drifting close again.


"Okay love birds, we got to get this show on the road," Niall's booming announcer voice startled me. The arms around my waist disconnected as a loud groan greeted my ears. "Harry, I brought you some clothes. Chris, you need to get ready. We have an interview to go to."

"What time is it?" Harry said as he got out of bed slowly, catching the clothes Niall threw at him. I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight pouring in.

"Little past noon. Hurry up and we may have time to get you two breakfast." Niall said with a smile. He was wearing fitted khaki pants, a red polo and white kicks. Niall left the room, leaving Harry standing and myself still lying in bed. My eyes slowly met Harry's, a light blush sprinkling across my cheeks.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Honestly?" I slowly get out of bed, fixing the obnoxiously short dress. Harry nodded. "I'm a little nervous. What should I wear?"

"Something a little more girly than your usual," Harry moved his arm and sat up to stret. I gave him a pointed look that made him smile. "Have Abigail pick something out for you."

"Alright, see you in a few," I hesitated as I walked out the room and closed it behind me. What was that moment? Before I could sit and overthink on it, I found myself calling out. "Abigail? I need your help!"

"Coming!" The red headed savior came into vision, looking cute in patterned tights, cut off shorts, and a vintage shirt. "I know just the outfit for you!" She dragged me off to her room by my wrist plopping me down in her vanity chair. Abigail stood with her closet door open, hand on her hip, concentrating. Abigail was always fantastic at fashion and knowing what compliments people and what doesn't. "Put this on," Abi handed me her clothes, a smile on her face.

She handed me a dainty white eyelet dress. The dress had inch wide straps to help cover some of my shoulders, hugged my waist and went a couple of inches above my knee. It had a flirty neck line, hinting at a little of cleavage, but not enough to be categorized as revealing. I rubbed my arms, feeling a bit bare. Abigail noticed and handed me a worn light blue denim jacket that was three quartered sleeved. Abigail instructed me to sit back on the chair as she got work on my hair. 

Kryptonite ;One Direction;जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें