Chapter Thirty-Six: I Can't Wait Another Day

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“Wakey, wakey, baby,” a voice purred my ear. For a second, I could have sworn it was Harry. Just the thought of him calling me baby caused a smile to appear on my face. My eyes slowly opened as I faced the boy who just spoke. “Come on,” they gave me a small lopsided smile to try and fix the frown that washed on my face. “Time for school.” Louis leaned in and kissed my forehead before getting up and helping me out of bed. “The rest of the boys are already at your table.”

“What are you going to do about clothes? I mean, you can be in the same clothes... but it’d look weird if they showed up in the same outfit as yesterday.”

“Harry brought over a change of clothes.” Hearing his name made my heart skip a beat. I just nodded and walked over to my closet, grabbing a pair of jeans, a band shirt, and a big hoodie to top it off.

“Do you never dress up for school?”

“I don’t want to walk around in a little skirt and have guys degrade me. I’ll stick to my conservative clothes. If a guy really wants to like me, he’ll like me for my personality.” I said as I turned back to Louis, who now sat on my bed indian style.



“Why do you like Harry?”

“Why do I like Harry?” The question caught me off guard. Why would he ask such a question? He just threw the question in there randomly. Louis just looked at me with his eyebrows raised. “I-I guess I like... I like his eyes. And the way he looks at me sometimes. Like he actually wants me and isn’t playing around. He can be really romantic doing little things. Giving me small compliments.” God, this was hard to think on my feet. “I like him because when he’s around me... we just act like nothing can keep us apart and we show each other our true selves...” My eyebrows scrunched together as I tried to think what else to say. “I need to go change,” I said as I turned around. My eyes widened at the figure in the doorway. “How long have you been listening?”

“Long enough.” He said quietly. I said nothing as I walked past him, letting our shoulders bang as I walked into the bathroom. I shut the door and leaned against it, breathing out slowly. Harry just heard me spill my guts. Fuck. Double fuck. Triple fuck. I’m so screwed. Everything’s going to be so awkward now. Changing quickly and freshening up, I slip out of the door and down the hall. Harry must still be in my room talking to Louis. Remind me to hit that boy. I’m sure Louis didn’t mean me to spill my guts while Harry was walking up... did he?

“Mornin’ beautiful!” Niall chirped with a mouthful of toast. Zayn turned in his chair to wave at me. 

“Hi guys,” I smiled and walked over to Liam, kissing his cheek, then to Zayn and Niall, giving them a kiss on their cheeks as well. It felt like a little family. 

“Are we ready to go?’ Liam said as he checked his watch. “Harry, we got to get moving.” Harry walked in a second later, not meeting my eyes. Louis was hot on his trails, a frown on his face. The moment he saw me he bounded over and kissed my cheek and squeezing me. 

“I am so sorry, he walked in and I couldn’t interrupt you,” he whispered in my ear before letting go. I nodded as the boys got up and put away their dishes.

“Bye mom!” We all chimed except for Louis, who said “Bye beautiful”, because he can’t keep himself from flirting. I rolled my eyes as we walked outside and down the stairs. 

“Bye guys! Have a good day at school!” Louis called as he climbed into his own car. I was squished in the back between Niall and Liam in Harry’s car. I said nothing, only looked out my window as Harry drove. Liam was chatting about the musical, excited for the upcoming rehearsals. Zayn joined in and started to tease Niall about how cute Abigail would look with pink hair instead of red.


All day, I hadn’t seen Harry. Normally I saw him every passing period, but I guess not seeing him would be typical when he was ignoring me. Rejection and hurt flowed through my body as I walked to math. I walked in and sat in my assigned spot, instantly realizing who was going to be sitting next to me. My eyes widened when he walked through the door, blue eyes meeting beautiful green eyes. 

“Why didn’t you walk in together?” Kelly said loudly, instantly pointing out the mistake we made. “Jealous that I’m Sandy and it’s hurting your relationship already?” I wanted to claw that stupid smirk off her face.

“Just the opposite, we’re better then ever. I just had to speak to my teacher and told her not to wait up,” Harry said with a tight smile as he took his seat next to me. “Get over yourself, Kel,” he huffed. Kel? Did he really just nickname her? Why am I even getting mad at this? I looked over at him just for a second. Today he had on a deep blue long sleeved v-neck sweater, with dark jeans. His usual pile of curls was controlled with a beanie on his head. His eyes flickered over to me, my head instantly shooting down to my homework I never finished.

Scribbling answers that I knew were wrong, the teacher walked in and began class. Paying attention was harder then usual when Harry would move his hand every now and then. Either to play with his pen, tap on the table, crack his knuckles, or doodle on a sheet of paper. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched his every move.

The bell finally rang, dismissing the class to lunch. It took all I had to not run out of that room, but Kelly was watching us the whole time while she packed up. “Come on babe,” Harry said in that husky voice I grew too fond of. We walked out of the class side by side, his hand pressed lightly on my back. The moment we put two hallway distances between us and Kelly, he removed his hand. The tension was so thick, it couldn’t even be cut with a knife. 

I kept looking over and opening my mouth, wanting to say something to him. Ask him what he thought about me. A bright blush spread on my cheeks as I put about a foot in between us. Harry looked over before rolling his eyes and putting a hand in his pocket. The little smile that had been forming on my lips instantly dropped. I looked forward and started walking faster. 

“Where do you think you’re going?” Harry said as he started to turn right but I was still going straight.

“Home. I have 4th off, remember?” I didn’t even dare look at him as I continued to walk. Suddenly, I was being twirled and backed into lockers, my back hitting them roughly. I groaned as I opened my eyes, staring at the asshole who pushed me. My mouth dropped open as Harry leaned his face down to me, his nose brushing against mine delicately. I held my breath, scared to release it and show how nervous I was. His eyes searched my face, blinking slowly before lingering on my lips. Harry’s arms had me pinned against the lockers, unable to move in any way. 

My voice was lost in my throat. I was dying to ask him a million questions. Why was he doing to this me? He knew I liked him. The moment I remembered how to speak again, Harry closed his eyes and moved his forehead so it touched mine. He moved his left arm, that hand cupping my cheek. I finally let out my breath, not caring if it was nervous. I breathed in again, his scent filling my nose. My head moved so it leaned on his hand more, my eyes finally shutting. 

Suddenly his hand disappeared from my face. My eyes snapped open, meeting the lockers across from me. Turning my head to the side, Harry was walking away quickly. My jaw was practically on the ground. I’m done playing his fucking games. I quickly turned the opposite direction, walking out of the school and on the way home. What a prick! He knows I have feelings for him and he just toys with them? Nothing could describe the hatred I was feeling at this moment. It’s like half of me wants to be pissed at him but the other half tells me to let it go, that he’s just confused and needs time to figure things out. But figure what out? He’ll realize, if he hasn’t already so, that Elizabeth is so much prettier than I will ever be and that they are meant for each other. I’ll be left in the cold like I always am.

You still have all of my heart.


A/N: Hey guys... I am truely sorry it's taken about an entire month almost to update. A lot has happened and let's just say I'm on a negative vibe. Long story short; I just can't... write romance right now... I'm still going to be writing and working on more chapters, slowly but surely updating this. Please don't give up on. I'm writing as much as my heart can handle. I love you guys. Have faith in me xxx

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