Chapter Six: Formally Yours

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The bell rang, school letting out for the day. I stood up, letting the bones in my knees crack and wake up from sitting through everyone. People were still congratulating One Direction as I waved goodbye to my gal friends, walking up to the boys. Liam was the first to notice me, walking over and hugging me.

"You guys were amazing! And your voice!" I couldn't help but gush like a fan girl, he was so talented. "I can't believe I never heard of you all before." Liam shrugged as he just smiled, looking back at Harry who was busy talking to another junior girl. I peeled my eyes away slowly to find Liam looking at me.

"So... Are you going to... Say, yes?" Liam put his hands in his pocket, looking at me with hopeful eyes. A small smile appeared on my lips as I slowly nodded to seal my own fat in. Liam's face lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Really? Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Liam pulled me into another hug, almost as bone crushing as Harry's was during lunch.

"Hey get away from my girlfriend!" Harry's voice made Liam break away from me, Harry's arm flopping onto my shoulders. "I knew she couldn't resist my charm," he said cockily. My eyes nearly eye rolling out of habit, but I stopped myself. I seem to be rolling them too much. "Do you want a ride home?" I quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard him, thankfully they didn't.

"Whose driving?" I joked. "I'd love one!"

"I'm driving! As much as those blokes complain," Harry grinned. Some of his hair fell in his eyes, my hand itching to reach out and brush it aside. "Do I get to meet girlfriend's mother soon?" 

"Maybe, you all might overwhelm her. She hasn't met any boys since freshman year when I brought home my last boyfriend."

"Your last boyfriend was in freshman year?" Harry's eyes were wide with surprise. "No way! You better start brushing up on your couple skills then. I do not need my girlfriend acting like a huge prude. You know how to hold hands, right?" His voice was playful but also serious, contrasting to his playful manner.

"Yes, I know how to hold hands, Harry," I stuck my tongue out playfully. "I am not a huge prude! And we had dated until the middle of sophomore year, so it wasn't that long ago we broke up."

"Uhm, tinkerbell, that's about two years ago."

"Did you just call me tinkerbell?" Keeping a serious face was hard with him around, my laughter ringing through the air.

"Hey love birds! I'm ready to go home!" Niall interrupted us. Turns out everyone had already left the room except us, it seemed as if we had been caught in our own world. Harry guided me out the door, turning to make a face at the rest of the gang.

"Don't be jealous just because you can't get a piece of her," Harry's arm didn't feel heavy on my shoulder at all. I wanted to shrug it off knowing he had a girlfriend but had to fight my instincts- we are fake dating, now?

"I had her first technically," Niall reminded. 

"Toe-mate-o, toe-maht-o," Zayn said in a bored voice. "Speaking of tomatoes, I'm starving!"


On Saturday night, riding home with Harry felt safe and slow. Now, with Liam, Niall, and Zayn, Harry seemed like a reckless driver and the noise levels at maximum. Niall and Liam were screeching at each other in the back seat with Zayn trying to tune them out with his singing. Luckily I was in front, the boys acted like a gentlemen when it came to that, and I couldn't hear the radio. Harry tried to focus on the road, but started to sing along and joke around. By the time I stepped out of the car I felt like thanking my lucky stars we survived.

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