Chapter Fifty-One: Double Standards

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Caution: Language

"Talk about deja vu," muffled laughter filled the room. "Except last time they weren't as... close, ya know? Their relationship has grown tremendously. I would vote them cutest couple at school," the voice continued. She tried her best to be quiet but as she continued to gush how cute whoever 'they' are her projection raised. 

I attempted to move across the soft bed but was trapped with my legs caught between another's and a bulky arm draped across my front. My stirring caused whoever was in bed with me to awaken with a loud groan. My eyes popped open at the sound, lookng at the culprit who refused to open his eyes. My mouth had formed a into an 'O' shape before relxaing into a smile. It had felt like years had past since I last slept in his muscular arms. I don't know how long I oogled at the man; observing the way his nose curved, the way he squeezed his eyes shut in refusal to open them and wake up, and the way his tongue poked out from his mouth to run across his bottom lip. He was an angel sent from above.

My eyes snapped over to the crowd at the doorway when Abigail cleared her throat. I could feel my cheeks heating instantly at the sight of all of them sticking their heads in with a smile. Zayn and Louis had their phones out, snapping photos of recording us. "You're all perverts," I grumbled as I pulled the comforter over us, earning a wave of laughter from them.

"What's going on?" Harry whispered, his eyes still shut but he moved me closer to him, our noses brushing against each other.

"We have an audience, again."

"For fuck's sake," with each word, his lips brushed against mine, sending sparks throughout my entire body.  The gang started to talk and joke around, but we couldn't decipher each word. It was just us in our own little world protected by the layered sheets. "I missed this."

"I did too," Harry captured my bottom lip with his teeth, sucking on it lightly. The boy knew exactly how to make my head spin even when it was so early in the morning. At least if felt like it was early; I had no clue as to when we fell asleep or what time it was. I hummed against his lips as he continued to kiss me more, his hands roaming up my shirt.

"We're leaving for rehearsals in 15, get the hell up! You can have sex later," Zayn ripped the sheet off us, causing me to squeal and twist so Harry ended up on top of me. 

"Alright! Everyone out!" Harry barked, his arms barricading me and hiding me from view. Louis gave Zayn a high five before they walked out and shut the door. Harry sighed above me, letting his forehead rest against mine. "I could stay like this forever," his words traveled slowly, leaving me hanging onto every one. It's almost as if he talked slow on purpose just to make sure I was paying attention. He left me wanting more- the bastard.

"Me too." I bit my lip as I looked into his entrancing pupils, wanting to say something but all thought went out the window when he grinded himself against me. My jaw dropped in surprise as he leant down and kissed me fiercely. An automatic moan flowed out of me with each roll of his hips, picking up spead. I never felt so... heated in that moment. His actions leaving me flustered as he rubbed himself against me. Harry nipped at my lips as his hips slowed, rocking against me gently.

When he pulled his body away he had the world's smuggest look on, he knew exactly what he did to me and it was absolute torture. "Goodmorning, love." I would've retaliated but he gave me no chance as he jumped off the bed, gathering his clothes up and exiting. I laid my head back against the bed, my mind reeling at what just happened. Did he just... practically hump me... with clothes on? With a loud and irritated groan I pulled myself together. Asshole. Harry is an asshole. That is what I've concluded.

"Goodmorning!" I jumped at the booming voice the second I entered the kitchen. Niall's laughter rang throughout the house, only getting louder after I punched his arm. "And we have Christina coming in dead last!" His announcer voice was impossible to keep a straight face at.

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