Chapter Thirty-Four: I Want To Go Home

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“Chris, where are you going?” Niall’s eyebrows crunched together as the bell rang, signaling that school was over.

“Uhm... Home.”

“Aren’t you coming over?”

“Uh, no. My mom wants me home. I have to go clean and stuff.”

“We’ll help!” Zayn offered. I just shook my head, awkwardly shuffling to get my stuff in my back pack. “Are you sure? It’s no skin on our backs...”

“I’m- I’m positive.”

“But we have an interview later. We wanted you to come with.” Liam said quietly, his sad brown eyes pouring into mine.

“I’ll just watch on TV. I’m sorry guys...” I turned my head to see Harry walking through the door finally,  with a scowl on his face. “Bye!” I called to the rest as I shuffled past Harry quickly. He didn’t even give me a glance.


“Is something wrong, Christina?” My mother peered from her paper work over at me. I looked over the couch, letting a fake smile slip on my face.

“I’m fine, ma.”

“Did something happen with your boyfriend, Louis? Or was his name Harry?”

“Harry, mom. You’re thinking of Louis, the boy who always hits on you.” I raised my eyebrows at her only to watch her blush.

“He’s a sweet boy, Christina.”

“He’s twenty mom. You’re like forty.”

“Excuse me?”

“Kidding,” I said as I flipped through the few channels we had. I finally found the channel the boys would be on tonight.


“And we’re back on Celeb Speed News, with the boys of One Direction! Say hello boys,” the flirty interviewer smiled. I narrowed my eyes slightly as jealously raged through me. She had sleek black hair that was cut perfectly at shoulder length. Her eyeliner was fierce and played up her flaming red lips. Her lips matched her tight red dress that stopped awfully short. She had on black heels, inches taller then they needed to be.

“Hi!” All the boys chorused.

“I’m Bethany Kreitner. It’s a pleasure to have you on the show,” she practically purred. “Let’s get started... How are you boys liking America so far?” 

“The weather is great, the fans are beautiful, and the shows are tons of fun.” Liam said into his microphone.

“And the food is delicious!” Niall grinned cheekily. 

“I agree,” Zayn echoed. 

“I miss Nandos though,” Niall said with a fake pout. I rolled my eyes, letting the tension disappear for a second. I quickly became tense the moment Bethany came on the screen. Why am I acting like this? I sound like a jealous girlfriend who needs to get a grip.

“You are so cute,” Bethany giggled and looked down at her question cards. “This one is for Louis; have you been receiving a lot of carrots recently?”

“Thankfully the carrots have cut down, but every now and then a fan will bring me one. I like them once in a while, not all the time!” Louis cried as Harry patted his mate’s back.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have boughten you that carrot then...” Bethany giggled again before flipping through her cards. “Harry,” Bethany looked over at Harry, who was leaning forward in his chair. “Fans want to know how you and Tina are. Rumors have it that you were going to break up, but the picture of you two kissing has surfaced.”

“Of you two kissing?” Louis said out loud. Niall and Zayn’s head had whipped to Harry the moment Bethany spoke, their eyes wide. They had no clue about our kiss.

“Harry, I thought we told you to keep the PDA down,” Liam finally said, breaking the awkward silence. I let out a loud sigh, collapsing back in the sofa. Thank god Liam has a fast brain. I owe him so much.

“I-Uhh... Well... Looks like the cats out of the bag.” Harry let out an awkward laugh, ruffling his hair as his eyes darted down to his shoes.

“Are Tina and Harry ever annoying to be around?” Bethany said as she leaned over her chair, her chest nearly popping out of her top.

“They like to talk cute. It’s weird, not annoying.” Louis lied swiftly. 

“Sometimes all they do is hog the couch and make out. And when we tell them to move they just stay put and act like they didn’t hear anything.” Zayn spoke up.

“Tell us about her, Harry. We don’t really get to see much of her. What’s she like? What’s something you like about her?”

“Well... Tina is uh... Well she’s just... There’s no words to really describe her.” Harry looked over, a small smile on his face. 

“Harry’s too much in love,” Zayn cooed.

“Shut up, Zayn!” Harry frowned and reached over to swat Zayn.

“Boys! No fighting!” Liam reminded.

“Is Tina here with us right now?” Bethany switched the topic back smoothly.

“Sadly, no. She had homework because she’s lame.” Louis stuck his tongue out at the camera.

“So she’s watching?”

“She said she would.” Niall smiled.

“Anything you boys would like to say to her?” Bethany smiled fakely, her eyes drifting back to Harry.

“Turn off this TV and pay attention to your homework. I want to go out to eat,” Louis whined as he looked at the camera.

“Study hard and we’ll drop by.” Liam added.

“Can your mom make me her famous sandwiches? Not that I don’t like yours or your cooking... but your mom makes really good sandwiches.” Niall pipped up.

“I can’t wait to go clubbing? You know I’m not good thinking on my feet.” Zayn smiled.

“Sorry for earlier. I’ll teach you more piano later.” Harry said with a smile, but his eyes had a different meaning. Harry wanted to talk later and I was in no mood to comply. Damn it.

“One last question!” Bethany smiled. “What are your plans for New Years Eve?”

“Wel,l we were all going to party and have a good time,” Louis spoke up for the group. “Harry has an old friend flying in. We’re pretty excited to see them again. This will be a fun year, we just know it.”

Old friend? Flying in? He doesn’t mean Elizabeth does he? Oh my god. Elizabeth is flying in for New Years.

What the fuck is going on here?

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