Chapter Twenty-Six: Permission Needed

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“Harry! Calm down!” I frowned at the boy next to me. He was talking like there was no tomorrow about some website with our picture on it. I typed it into google, clicking on the first link. My eyes widened once the website loaded. The first thing I saw was a picture of Harry and Elizabeth making out. I ignored the jealously arising in me and kept looking at the picture. I looked at the headline next and my mouth nearly dropped open. “What do you mean we’re on a verge of breaking up?!”

“They think that since we haven’t shown much PDA like... we.... used to, that we’re going through a rough patch!” Harry exclaimed with an exasperated look on his face. “Supposedly hand holding and ass grabbing isn’t enough for them!”

“What are we supposed to do then?” I said, my voice as loud as his. As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized what this is what going to come to. I bit my lip as I looked over at Harry, his gaze locked on me. “Oh.”

“Yea.” He said quietly, his green eyes trying to analyze my reaction.


“Guys, let’s go out tonight! Clubbing?” Zayn strolled in, cutting my reply short.

“Zayn, it’s Wednesday night. A school night.”

“I know that, mother,” Zayn winked at me. I rolled my eyes and let my eyes go back to the website.

Celebrity Harry Styles from One Direction and his girlfriend have recently been rumored to break up. Before the public announcement, the couple couldn’t keep each other’s hands off one-another. They were too lip-locked to even take a decent photo. If it wasn't for Harry's obvious brown locks, we would have never known it was him! After the announcement, the two haven’t been the same in public.

Fans think it’s the constant pressure of having to live up to One Direction standard’s. Harry’s recent girlfriend, Caroline Flack, tells us how hard it was to play the role.

“Harry’s a great guy and he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. I couldn’t help but feel like I wasn’t right for him. He had all these girls throwing themselves at him and he never once took the offer,” Flack said. “I wish the best of luck to Tina, the pressure can be overwhelming at time. Don’t be afraid to talk about it with Harry.”

I stopped reading at that point, tuning back into the conversation going on. Louis had joined us in the living room, getting comfortable on a couch. 

“Maybe we can go clubbing this weekend?” Louis looked over at Zayn, who just shrugged his shoulders. These boys were obssesed with clubbing.

“Bring the ladies?” Zayn smiled sweetly at me and I just nodded. 

“How are you and Sarah?”

“We’re alright I guess. Whenever I see her in the hall I always make small conversation. She’s still as sexy as ever.”

“Alright, don’t need to know you think my friend is sexy,” I made a face. “That’s like when someone says your sibling is-”

“Don’t say it.” Zayn narrows his eyes at me.

“Don’t glare at my girlfriend!” Harry said playfully, his hand reaching over and resting on my thigh. Thank god I decided to wear pants and not nike shorts.

“Someones territorial.” Zayn stuck his tongue out like a five-year-old.

“You are all children, I swear.” I groaned and laid my head on Harry’s shoulder.

“Look at you two! Smile!” Louis had his phone out in a flash. I barley had enough time to cover my face with my hands when he snapped the photo. “So photogenic,” he rolled his eyes. My phone buzzed in my pocket, indicating a text.

Louis_Tomlinson: Look at these cuties!

I clicked on the link attached and groaned. “Louis, I look terrible!” Even though you couldn’t see my face, you could see how untamable my hair was today. It was just a mess. Harry’s face in the picture was silly; his eyes crossed and tongue out.

“No you don’t babe,” he cooed. 

“We’re so cute,” Harry smiled at me. I smiled back before letting my eyes flicker over to the computer, the website still open. “Guys,” Harry sighed, causing my attention to go back to him. “We’re in trouble.”

“What do you mean?” Niall decided to join us, the only one missing now was Liam.

“The media thinks Chrissy and I are going to break up.”

“What?” “Are you serious?” “What the fuck?” The boys all spoke at once, their eyes wide. Louis was sitting up now, and Zayn had stood up.

“They noticed that we haven’t kissed or made out in public...” Harry looked over at me, a nervous smile on his face. “What do we do?” Harry looked over at the guys again.

“It’s obvious- make out in public then.” Niall stated casually.

“I have a girlfriend though.” Harry said after a moment.

“Call her and ask for permission?” Niall said, a small smile on his face. Harry contemplated this for a moment before getting up, stretching, and pulling out his phone. 

“Good luck, Hazza,” Louis called as Harry walked into his room and closed the door. I remained looking at the computer. I felt two boys sit down on either side of me. Zayn occupied my right side and Niall sat to my left.

“It’s going to be alright,” Niall grabbed my hand and stroked the back of it with his thumb. 

“I don’t want to kiss him.” I sighed as Zayn leant down and kissed my shoulder, leaving his head there and resting it.

“You don’t?” Niall frowned.

“Not like this,” I sighed. “I wanted him to kiss me... when he felt like he wanted to, not felt liked he needed to... Make sense?”

“Yea. Maybe, Harry does want to-”

“Don’t give me false hope, Nialler.” I sighed again and laid my head back on the sofa. What was happening to me? Did I really want Harry to kiss me? Do I have feelings for him? Recently, I’ve been getting butterflies in my stomach every time he touches me... But... I sighed again, this was just all too confusing.

“If you ever need anyone to talk to babe, I’m here for you.” Zayn said quietly.

“Thanks guys, you guys are the best friends a girl could ask for.” I smiled as I kissed the top of Zayn’s head and Niall’s cheek.

We sat in silence until Harry came back in. He stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

“Well?” Louis said quietly, his eyes flickering to me with a sad expression on his face. He knew how I felt about this.

Harry sighed loudly and scratched the back of his neck. “She said...” His eyes flickered to me. 

What the hell am I going to do now?


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I went a bit MIA, I've been getting so many photography job things... anywho... if I get over 70 comments(I know it's a lot but there are over 250 of you! Give me a meaningful comments and thoughts!), I'll post the next chapter in Harry's POV ;) The longer and thoughtful comments, the faster I'll update :) And by long and thoughtful I DON'T mean; uppppdateeee updateee now.


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