3. Boyfriend

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The little kids>>
Imagine Carson with brown hair:)
"Mom I'm going out for a little bit" Violet called as I was cooking lunch.

It was Saturday so me and the kids didn't have school.

"Okay be back before dinner" I called back.

I trusted Violet enough not to ask her where she was going.

People may argue it's bad parenting but Violets never given me a reason not to trust her.

"I will" She responded before I heard the front door slam.

I continued cooking lunch in silence until Carson came running into the kitchen crying.

He ran directly towards my legs and latched on immediately.

So I quickly pulled what I was cooking off the heat on the stove and turned the burner off before reaching down and picking Carson up.

His face was bright red and he had big crocodile tears running down his face.

"Whats the matter baby?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Daddy yelled at me!" Carson sobbed and I just took a breath.

Conner is in the process of trying to keep a big client to stay with his company and he's under a lot of stress. Sometimes when he's in a bad mood or really stressed he snaps at the kids. Usually it's the older kids so they know just to leave him but the younger kids don't really know that so it upsets them more.

"Daddy doesn't mean it baby" I said while kissing the side of his head.

Carson just started to cry harder so I just rocked him back in forth in my arms and he calmed down a little but was still whimpering.

Conner came around the corner holding Carson's blankie.

He knew he made him cry so he was trying to apologize.

Conner walked over to me when he saw Carson in my arms.

Once he was close enough he placed his hand on Carson's back.

Carson turned his head to see who was touching him but once he saw Conner he put his head back against my neck.

"Hey buddy" Conner said softly and I could feel Carson move his head to look at Conner.

Carson then spotted his blankie in Conners hand so he stuck his little hand out towards it. Conner handed it to Carson and he snatched it but then I guess that offering was enough because Carson pulled away from me and stuck both hands out to Conner signaling he wanted to be held by Conner.

Conner quickly grabbed him out of my hands and Carson snuggled up against Conners body.

I saw his little body let out a sigh before he stuck his thumb in his mouth.

I smiled at my baby and then I caught Conner looking at me or more importantly, my hand.

I was wearing my engagement ring and wedding ring on my right ring finger.

It was weird because even though we've been divorced for about seven years, I've always worn those rings just on my right hand instead of my left.

I've actually never really taken them off so I didn't know why Conner was staring at them.

Conner knows I still love him even though he's done a lot of shit that should've made me hate him.

I just can't find myself ever hating him.

"What?" I asked and he snapped out of his trance and returned his eyes to my face.

"Nothing, um is lunch ready?" He asked.

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