33. Christmas Eve

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Their Christmas tree>>
Christmas Eve

Chaos was happening in the kitchen right now!

Conner and the kids were making cookies to set out for Santa but Carson was enjoying sprinkling flour everywhere on the nice hardwood floors.

I couldn't clean it up because I was forced to stay out of the kitchen by Carson and Kylie yelling at me to stay away every time they saw me even if I wasn't in the kitchen.

The kids wanted Conner to be with them on Christmas Eve and into Christmas but they also wanted to be with me on Christmas Eve so I decided I would be nice and invite Conner to stay with us at Theos house, which he immediately agreed on.

Theo also invited his new boyfriend, Shane to stay the night.

Theo had told me about Shane yesterday and he said he had been dating him for about a month but he didn't tell me because he thought I would be mad because of Will.

Which I told him that Will would have wanted him to be happy and to move on.

"I guess it's just you and me, Lulu" I said as I sat down on the couch with her curled up next to me.

She sighed and moved closer to me.

Theo was out picking up groceries for dinner tomorrow and he also was going to pick up Shane.

I had been watching 'The Grinch' for about a half hour when I heard the front door open.

I looked over and saw Theo and a young man walking in holding grocery bags.

I quickly got up and helped them since it seemed to be snowing pretty hard due to all the snow on their coats and in their hair.

I grabbed grocery bags from who I assumed was Shane and he gave me a smile.

"Thank you" He said.

"You're welcome" I said with a small smile.

I turned towards Theo.

"You have to take these to the kitchen because I'm not allowed in there." I said.

Theo looked at me while his body shivered.

"Why?" He asked with a huff.

"Conner and kid bonding... that I'm not allowed to be apart of" I said with a laugh.

I didn't mind that I wasn't apart of it.

I handed him the bags I was holding.

"Okay" He said then walked into the kitchen.

I turned back towards Shane.

"Hi I'm Elena" I said since we didn't have a proper introduction.

"Hi I'm Shane" He said while showing off his perfectly white and straight teeth.

I could tell he was a little uncomfortable with just me but I found him adorable.

All the sudden Lulu ran over wagging her tail. She barked once she was right in front of him.

"Lulu no" I commanded and she put her ears back.

After that she trotted off towards the kitchen.

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