23. Stay

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Theos mansion>
When the limo driver dropped me off I walked into the house and up to my room.

I knew the older kids were still up since the living room tv was on.

I walked into my room and took off my dress.

I put it back in its clothing bag since it was a nice dress and didn't deserve to be left on the floor.

I quickly got dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt.

I then pulled out a suitcase and started packing.

I grabbed dressy clothes for work, pajamas and normal clothes.

I then walked over to my night stand and grabbed my picture box and phone cord.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a lot of my makeup and perfumes.

Before I left my room I grabbed my dads blanket off my bed then turned off my lights and closed my door.

I walked downstairs with my bags and set them in the hallway at the end of the stairs before going into the living room.

Violet was the only one in there and she was on her phone.

She apparently heard my footsteps because she looked up.

"Hey mom, how was the event?" She asked.

"I'm going to need your help" I said.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to need you to help pack a bag or two for all the kids"

"What? Why?" She asked in a panicked voice.

"I'll tell you later but we are going to stay at Theos tonight"

Apparently that was all she needed because she rushed up the stairs with me following after.

I went to the little kids while Violet went to the triplets.

I had packed all the kids bags within a half hour.

I took them all out to my car along with my bags.

Violet was going to drive to Theos since my car wouldn't fit everyone.

I gently carried a sleeping Carson to the car and then repeated the process with Liam and Kylie.

Kylie was a struggle because she was heavy.

I turned on the heat and put the windows down a tiny tiny bit.

The triplets weren't asking questions, they were just following instructions I was giving them.

I must have had that aura of 'I'm not in the mood'.

I grabbed Lulu and Weasel from their kennels and loaded them into my car.

I told Violet to head to Theos and I would be there soon.

I walked back into the house to leave a note for Conner when I heard a car pull up.

I glanced at the clock on the stove and it said 1:10am.

I heard the front door open and then slam shut before I heard loud footsteps.

Conner basically ran around the corner.

"Elena what the hell? You just left without saying anything to me!" He screamed.

I noticed he had a little red lipstick above his lip and on the collar of his shirt.

"Wait..." I said holding up my pointer finger.

"Before we get into this fight you might want to wipe the lipstick off your face and collar" I said before crossing my arms.

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