34. Christmas

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Shane,breakfast, and an adorable idea above!!!
Christmas morning

I woke up to bouncing and my name being called so I cracked one of my eyes open to see Carson and Liam standing in the middle of my bed jumping slightly.

"Boys, what are you doing?" I asked groggily.

"Mommy it's Christmas! Santa came!" Liam practically yelled.

"Sit down" Conner commanded from underneath the pillow that his head was buried in.

During the night Conner and I had gotten dressed and put the presents 'Santa' brought for the kids.

"But daddy..."Carson started.

I could practically hear the water filling his eyes.

I glanced at the clock on my night stand and groaned.


"You both will lay down for another hour"I said.

They both started to whine so I rolled over and reached up and grabbed Carson then dragged him underneath the blankets with me.

I felt the bed shift and Liam squeal so I'm pretty sure Conner did the same thing I did.

I snuggled Carson against me and kissed his cheek before falling asleep.
I woke up to a little hand hitting my arm lightly.

I opened my eyes and saw Carson laying next to me giggling while hitting me.

I glanced at the clock again.


"Carson if you don't let mommy sleep, you'll have to wait till 9 to open your presents." I said not really caring that I sounded mean I only got about an hour of sleep.

"But mommy... He started but I just placed my index against his lips and shushed him.

I felt a tear hit my hand and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You have three seconds to get rid of those tears"

I felt him lift his arm and wipe his tears.

"Goodnight baby" I whispered before snuggling my head against my pillow and falling asleep again.
I woke up again to my arm being shaken.

My eyes popped open and I saw Carson laying peacefully next to me, his little eyes closed and a soft snore could be heard.

I looked up at whoever was shaking me to see Kylie standing there holding her baby bee blanket against her lips, shyly.

"Hi mom" She said and I gave her a small smile.

I looked at the clock.



"Thank you for not waking me up at 5" I told Kylie and she stared at me like I was crazy.

"I was asleep until about fifteen minutes ago"

I nodded in acknowledgment.

I figured it was time to get up so I gently took the blankets off me and Carson and carefully slid around him before putting the blankets back on him, which he sighed at.

I looked at the other side of the bed and saw Liam and Conner snuggling together.

Liam's face was buried in Conners neck and Conner was holding Liam tightly.

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