21. Invitation

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It was time to go back to school after Thanksgiving and none of my kids were ready.

Violet and I had gone Black Friday shopping from 8:00pm to 8:ooam and Violet had still not caught up on her sleep so I let her stay home today.

"Mom how are we gonna get to school?" Bradley whined from the island.

"There's this thing called a bus. It's yellow and long and a lot of kids ride on it." I said sarcastically.

"But I've never ridden the bus"  He whined.

"Well sorry Bradley"

He stuck out his bottom lip.

"Will you please wake up dad!" He cried.

He was acting like Carson.

"No he's still off and he deserves to sleep in" I said while finishing packing Carson, Liam, and Kylie's lunches.

"Well then I'm not going" He said crossing his arms.

"Bradley stop acting like a baby" I said and he huffed.

"Now you might want to go out to the end of the driveway with Taylor and Sky before you miss the bus" He groaned before getting up and walking over to me.

He gave me a quick hug and then I leaned up and kissed his forehead.

"I love you baby bear" I said as he started walking out the door.

"Love you too mom" He grumbled before giving me one last wave and rushing out the door.

I called Kylie, Liam, and Carson downstairs and put their lunches in their backpacks and then put their coats on.

"Let's go" I said and they all followed me like little ducklings.

I loaded them all into the car and started driving.

When we got to the end of the driveway Bradley was sitting against the gate with his arms crossed.


He looked up and gave me a sheepish smile.

"Get in the car" I yelled.

He got up and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"When I got down here they were already gone" He said with a shrug.

"You're gonna make all of us late" I commented.

After school was out I gathered my kids and left.

I made the triplets ride the bus home just so Bradley could get that experience.

When I got home I got out and grabbed the mail before driving up the driveway and parking.

"Carson, why did you take you coat off?"

He looked down before he shrugged.

"This is why you keep getting sick" I grabbed him out of his booster seat and held him in my arms.

I grabbed his coat and laid it over his body.

Kylie grabbed Carson's bag for me and then we all walked in.

When we got inside I set Carson down and hung up his coat.

He ran away quickly.

I started looking through the mail and it was either all junk mail or bills which Conner paid.

I was about to throw the mail on the table when something caught my eye.

I dropped all the mail on the table besides the one letter.

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