18. Dragon scales

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Kids playroom>
So I think I screwed up and said in one of the previous chapters that violets birthday already happened but it hasn't.
Conner and I decided after about an hour or so of sitting by Malley that we should go check on the kids.

We walked back into the house and heard laughter so we followed he sound.

We found Theo, Sasha, and the kids all hanging out in the play room.

"Hey guys" I greeted before going to sit next to Theo on the couch we have set up in the playroom.

"Hey Theo" Conner said with a smile before sitting down next to me.

"Hey Conner" Theo said back with a smile.

It was kinda weird to be sitting next to Theo since I hadn't seen him in a long time.

I really did miss him.

"Mommy I have a present for you" Kylie said with a smile.

She then walked over and handed me a piece of paper.

I looked at the paper and couldn't help but smile.

The paper was a letter and it said "thank you for bringing uncle Theo home. We are all excited to see him. Love Kylie"

It had a little drawing of what I assumed was our family.

I looked up and saw Theo looking at the paper with tears in his eyes.

He was always a big softy and when Will was alive Theo was the crier in the relationship.

I leaned over and kissed Theos cheek.

He gave me a little smile before calling Kylie over and pulling her into his lap.

"I love you Kylie" He said with a laugh.

I reached over and wiped his tears away.

"I love you too uncle Theo"

After that they started to have their own conversation.

"So Sasha how are you feeling?" I asked since she looked bored watching whatever movie Liam had put on.

"I'm good. I haven't had a lot of morning sickness which is great" she said with a smile.

"Oh just wait, my morning sickness wasn't that bad when I was pregnant with Carson but it got really bad towards the end of the first trimester and then it just continued through my whole pregnancy"

Her eyes kinda grew in size before she looked down at her stomach.

"So you're pregnant?" Theo asked coming out of his conversation with Kylie.

She gave him a big smile along with a nod.

"How does Conner feel about this?" Theo asked.

I looked over at Conner just in time to see him roll his eyes.

"He's been pretty supportive" She responded.

Theo apparently was shocked because his head whipped towards Conner.

"You're supportive of your sister getting pregnant? Am I in a parallel universe?" He asked while looking around.

I couldn't help but giggle at that because it was shocking that Conner was accepting of his sister getting pregnant.

"Ha ha very funny" Conner said sarcastically.

"So what are you doing for Violet and Liam's birthday?" Theo asked.

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