22. Emotions

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Elenas and Conners outfits>
The ball was today.

My personal hairdresser Reba that I used to use all the time came over and started setting up.

It takes all day to get ready for the red carpet.

"It's so good to see you" Reba said as she started to do my hair.

"You too! I haven't seen you in what? Six years" I said with a little laugh.

"Yeah where is the little one who stopped you from coming to me?" She asked while yanking the hairbrush through my hair.

"He's at school" I said while biting my lip because she was yanking my hair out of my skull.

I always had problems with my sensitive scalp.

Reba never cared that I was in pain.

She would always say 'you've gone through childbirth you can go through this'.

Which kind of did make sense.

"When do I get to meet him?" She asked as she set the hairbrush down.

"Whenever you want" I commented.

It was silent for a while as she started styling my hair and then taking it out and redoing it just to see what she liked.

"So you and Conner?" She asked in a suggestive tone, while clipping half my hair up.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes.

"No one understands. I love him with all my heart. He ripped my heart out and played with it by cheating twice but I can't stop loving him and everyone thinks I'm stupid for it but I don't think I am"

She pursed her lips before nodding.

"My late husband was the same way and after four years of being divorced we got back together but then he got cancer and it ruined me. I say, love who you love, because you never know how long you'll have with them"

I know it hurt for her to talk about it since she focused in on a certain section of my hair while she talked.

"Reba I'm sorry about your husband" I whispered and she shrugged.

"Everything happens for a reason, right?"

I just got quiet.

I believed everything happened for a reason but I also believed they didn't happen at the right times.
I heard the kids burst through the front door just as I slipped into my gown.

Conner had taken the little kids out for ice cream.

Reba helped zip my dress up before I walked over to my full length mirror.

I had to admit I looked hot.

My dress was a red skin tight floor length dress. It had a ruffled bottom and was tight all the way down to my knees.

Even after seven kids I had a good body.

My hair cascaded down my left shoulder and had a slight curl to it.

"I love you Reba, I look fantastic"

She gave me a giant smile.

"Did you expect anything less?" She asked rhetorically.

I just let out a laugh before looking at myself again.

"Do you wanna meet my little boy?" I asked suddenly since she did want to meet Carson.

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