28. Court day

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I don't know anything about custody things or what happens in court because I've never had to deal with any of that so I'm basically going off of my imagination and tv shows so don't hate me if it sounds stupid and doesn't match anything that actually happens in custody things!!!
December 21st

Today was the day.

Today was the day I would fight a custody battle for my kids and I hoped it wouldn't go bad because I hadn't talked to Conner about it so I was going in blind about what he planned on bringing to court.

I had met with my lawyer everyday this week and she felt good about the custody being split.

The kids weren't going to school today because they were going to court with me which probably wasn't the best idea.

"Guys what are you wearing?!?" I screeched.

Bradley, Liam, and Carson were all wearing jeans and various tshirts.

"Bradley polo and khakis and Liam and Carson come with me"

We all rushed upstairs.

I changed Liam and Carson into polos and khakis too before slipping black converse on their feet.

All three of us walked backs downstairs where Kylie, Sky, Taylor, Bradley, and Violet were all waiting.

"Thank you Bradley and girls you look nice" I commented and they all smiled.

Violet was in a black floral dress with black flats, Kylie was wearing a black skater skirt that reached her knees with leggings underneath it and a black glittery shirt along with black converse, Sky was wearing a pink floral pencil skirt that reached just a little bit above her knee with a black peplum top and two inch heels, and Taylor was wearing a black and white maxi dress.

"Okay everyone lets go" I said.

They scurried out of the house while I locked the front door.

Kylie, Liam, and Carson all got in my car while Violet, Sky, Bradley, and Taylor all got in Violet's car.

It took about twenty minutes to get to the court house and when we arrived we were about a half hour early which was okay.

I parked my SUV and got out along with Liam, Carson, and Kylie.

We started to walk in and Violet and the triplets were right behind us.

When we got inside we all had to go through metal detectors which freaked Liam out but I quickly told him it was okay since the water works were about to begin.

He shook his head so I went through first so he could run through it and over to me.

There was a nice lady police officers that just adored him.

"First time here"

I nodded while rubbing Liam's back.

"He kinda freaks out when he's faced with new things"

She nodded before walking around a desk for a minute before returning.

"Is it okay if he has this?" She asked holding up a DumDum.

I smiled and nodded.

She bent down to Liam's level which caused Liam to bury his face in my hip.

When she handed him the sucker I gently pulled his hand up to take it from her which he did.

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