20. Thanksgiving

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Today was Thanksgiving.

I wasn't prepared at all and it worried me.

I was in charge of cooking for Conner, the kids, Louise, Sasha, May, and Theo.

Usually we went to Louise's for thanksgiving but I offered this year and I was not ready for the responsibility.

Luckily, Conner was Italian so he knew how to cook so he helped me.

"Lena you can cut up the potatoes" Conner instructed while he set a vegetable plate and a cracker plate out for the kids to eat from.

"Like into cubes?" I asked.

He nodded before yelling to the kids about the food that was set out.

When I lived on my own with Violet, Sky, Taylor, and Bradley we went to my dads house for Thanksgiving so I never had to cook.

This would be my first thanksgiving without either of my parents since I was adopted.

When I woke up this morning all I wanted to do was cry and I did cry for a good fifteen minutes.

After I cut up about thirty-forty potatoes I threw them in a bowl Conner had set on the counter next to me.

I looked over to see Conner putting the turkey in the oven.

"What else can I help with?" I asked and he walked over to me and grabbed on to my hips before pulling me into his body.

I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest.

"I heard you crying this morning" He said softly.

I hoped no one had heard me.

"I miss my dad" I said sadly.

Actually I missed my dad, my mom, and Will.

"I know" He told me before kissing the top of my head.

"And I'm sorry you don't have him here" He said and my throat felt like it was going to close up.

"I miss everyone. I miss Will I miss my dad and I miss my mom" I said before burying my face in his chest.

He slowly rubbed my back.

I pulled away from him after a few minutes and wiped my eyes.

"Today's a happy day so let's not think about this" I said giving him a little smile.

"We can talk later if you want" Conner said and I nodded.

"I can finish up here. Why don't you go and relax before the guests get here"

I reached up and gave him a quick kiss before going into he living room.

Liam and Carson were both laying on the same couch watching tv in their pajamas.

Kylie was sitting in a recliner drawing and coloring on some paper, luckily she was dressed.

"Boys you need to get dressed" I said loudly.

All three of their heads whipped towards me.

"Why?" They both whined.

"Because everyone is coming over soon"

They slowly got up both of their eyes were glued to the TV as they walked backwards towards the stairs.

I snapped my fingers at them and they looked at me.

"I'm gonna take away TV time if you start acting like zombies" I said sternly.

"Mommy it's a good episode" Liam said matter-of-factly.

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