29. Ruling

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I know there is probably one thing in here the judge will say that is probably incorrect but it's my story so! Haha
I looked between Conner and the judge to see what was happening.

Conner couldn't take me kids from me they were my kids!

I caught a glimpse of Conners lawyer and he was looking at Conner like he was crazy.

I'm going to guess that it wasn't what they agreed on.

"In all fairness Mr. Melody, Ms. Lander is a fit parent so it would not make sense for me to take her children away" The judge said.

I let out a breath.

"But your honor, Elena would take the children from me" Conner said matter-of-factly.

Even though Conner angered me I wouldn't take his children from him.

"She could have tried but I believe that if both parents are fit to be parents than they should be able to do so. So I would not have allowed Ms. Lander to take the children away from you"

Conner nodded, the expression on his face  dropping just slightly.

"Now, I agree with Ms. Lander and I'm going to change the custody agreement so that you, Mr. Melody have the children Friday night through Sunday night. They should be back with Ms. Lander from Sunday night to Friday night , do you understand?" The judge asked both Conner and I.

Both of us nodded.

"In addition to the custody agreement, I would like for you two to go to couples counseling. As far as I can see your relationship with each other is toxic and is not responsible behavior for parents."

I nodded and Conner spoke up.

"Your honor we aren't together"

I could have easily smacked him.

He was being an idiot, the judge was trying to help us live better.

"I understand that Mr. Melody but I don't want children around to witness your relationship with Ms. Lander. Do we understand each other Mr. Melody?" The judge asked.

Conner nodded in defeat.

The judge then finalized our agreement and moved on to the next case.

I gathered all the kids and helped put jackets on the little kids.

It was Friday so I guess the kids were going with Conner.

"Hi daddy"

I heard Kylie say so I looked up from buttoning up my jacket to see Conner walking towards us.

"Hi Kylie" Conner said forcing happiness into his voice.

"So are they coming with me now or...?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Well they kinda need to get their stuff from home so obviously they're not going with you right now so just follow us back to the house" I said trying to keep my anger under control.

All I wanted to do was scream at him for trying to take my children away.


Was all he said before turning around and walking out of the building.

"Mom.." Bradley started but I interrupted him.

"Let's just go"

I wanted out of this court house.
When we got home I sent the kids in the house to get their stuff and told Violet to help the little kids.

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