13. Career day

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It's been about two weeks since homecoming and Violet and Taylor were not grounded anymore.

Sky still had a week to go but she didn't mind.

"Mommy please" Carson cried beside me.

It was after school on Tuesday and tomorrow was career day for the kindergarten classes and Carson wanted Conner to go.

"Baby I don't know what you want me to do" I told him as tears streamed down his face.

Conner had left three days ago to go to Spain for a business meeting and wouldn't be back until Friday.

Which meant he wouldn't be able to go to career day.

"Mommy please" He begged again.

Carson wanted me to call Conner and tell him to come back and go to career day but I couldn't since it was his job and I couldn't interrupt that.

"Baby" I said then ran my hand down my face.

Carson cried more before placing his face on my stomach.

Carson was a crier that's for sure.

He cried the most out of all the little kids.

"Hey mom" Bradley said walking into the living room.

"Hey Bradley bear" I said while rubbing Carsons back.

While he still whimpered against my stomach.

"What's the matter with him?" Bradley asked while sitting down on the couch next to me.

"He wants Conner to go to career day tomorrow" I said.

Carson started to whine and then snuggled his head against me more.

Bradley nodded with a sad face.

"I want daddy" Carson cried.

My heart broke listening to him cry.

"I can get daddy on the phone but not to talk about tomorrow"

Carson looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Do you wanna talk to daddy?" I asked and he nodded.

I grabbed my phone off the table next to the couch.

I decided I would FaceTime Conner, it wasn't too late there.

Since Barcelona, which was were he was at, was six hours ahead it would be around 10:00 at night so he wouldn't be in a meeting.

I clicked Conners name and the phone started to ring.

It took about a minute before Conners face popped up.

"Hey" He greeted with a smile.

I gave him a smile back before Carson sat up and looked at the phone.

"Hi daddy" He said while sticking his pointer finger in his mouth and beginning to chew on it.

"Hi Carson" Conner said with a big smile before his face fell a little.

"Have you been crying buddy?" Conner asked.

Carson nodded.

"Aw what's the matter?" Conner asked.

"I miss you daddy" Carson said.

I could tell he was about to cry again.

"I miss you too buddy" Conner said.

I smiled at their relationship.

"Hi daddy"

I jumped a little not realizing Liam was behind me.

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