Chapter 23: Show and Tell

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I blinked my eyes to see I was on top of Cooper naked. He was fast asleep with his arm on my bareback. I looked up at him and watched his angle face sleep. It was perfect. I just wanted to stay here forever. But I had to pee. So I got up gently and slid on Cooper’s shirt and a pair of shorts and went to the bathroom. When I came out I went to the kitchen to see Kirsty sitting drinking a cup of tea. “Hey.” I smiled. She looked up. “Jesse yelled at you for drinking coffee?” I asked grabbing a cup and pour myself some apple juice. She nodded.

“So what did you do from when we left to when we came back?” She asked knowing exactly what we were doing. I blushed a light pink on my cheeks and looked down. “OH my god you finally did it!” She whisper yelled. I nodded.

“It was perfect! He held my hand because I was scared and he never let go.” I started to blush a deep red as Kirsty grinned.

“That so cute!” She giggled again. I smiled and nodded. I started to make breakfast when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

“I thought you were going to be there when I woke up.” Cooper whispered into my ear. I turned my head and looked at his head which was on my shoulder.

“Sorry I had to pee.” I giggled like a school girl. He smiled and kissed my neck.

“Okay but you only get away with it this time. Well and my shirt it making you look even hotter than ever.  Ooo your making waffles. Oh my and is that bacon.” He said sniffing the air.

“It’s one thing I love to cook; we call it a bacon waffle. It has bacon in it.” I looked over at him popping one on a plate for him. He sniffed it then took a small bit with both bacon and waffle. He looked surprised.

“This is amazing. How did you even think of this?” He asked taking another bite.

“My dad can’t cook so I was making waffles when I was little with him and he spilled the bacon into my batter as I was closing it. We didn’t know it was in there till it was done. I made him eat it because I was mad he ruined my waffles but he loved them and the legend was born.” I smiled remembering it.  Then the sadness hit me like a dump truck. I missed him. Cooper scanned my face before putting down the plate and pulled me into a hug. I pushed the tears back and forced a smile.

“I love you.” He whispered kissing me. I nodded and turned back to my food putting it on plates and setting the table. He helped but watched my every move.  I set the table silently as Jesse and Kirsty came in with Connor and Megs behind them.

“Hey Sis.” Jesse smiled. I smile at him still not saying anything and finish setting the table. I got the coffee and put the coffee pot and orange juice on the table.  Jesse looked at Connor as he looked at him. They both raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?” He mouthed to Connor. Connor shrugged.

“I was just going to ask you the same thing.” He whispered back. I grabbed the cup and put them in front of every plate. As we sat down Cooper sat next to me and pulled my hand into his under the table. I looked over and gave a weak smile. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles calming me down.

“So why did you call an emergency breakfast?” Kirsty asked looking around. I looked at all the boys’ faces then Kirsty. I think I figured out what was happening when I was cooking. Dad used to call emergency breakfasts to tell us he was getting deployed.

“We got our date that we have to be at Parris Island.” Jesse sighed. I looked down at Cooper’s and my conjoined hands.

“When do you have to be there?” She asked hesitantly.

“June 25,” He whispered. She dropped her fork and her hands went to her mouth.

“You’re going to miss Logan’s birth.” He nodded sadly. She looked at me and started to cry. I looked down as I felt the tears start to overflow my eyes. Cooper put his arm around my chair and hugged me.

“I’m sorry Kirsty. I don’t want to go but I have to. I, I, I’m so sorry.” He said hugging her. She took a deep breath.

“It’s okay.” She sighed. “It will be okay.” She said. I pushed out my chair out and walked away from everyone quickly right to my room and closed the door.

“She lasted longer then I guessed.” Jesse said rubbing his face.

“Yeah she did. She still hates this and you know it.” Connor said back at him. Jesse sighed.

“I know. I knew she was going to hate it. She always hates the idea of us having a chance of not coming home, especially after Mom left.” Connor nodded and Cooper sat there looking at them. He just shook his head and went back to eating. I was sitting at my computer when it beeped. I looked up and smiled as I saw the incoming connection. I accepted it and watched as Dad came onto the screen. He smiled at me.

“Hey Baby girl, how you been?” He asked.

“Fine. Kirsty finally found out what she was having.” I smiled. I picked up the picture of Little Logan and showed him. “Want to know what your first grandchild is?” He nodded.

“Please tell me Baby.” He begged.

“His name is Logan.” I smiled as Dad got my hint.

“A boy? She is having a boy!” He yelled. “Sweet!” I nodded and smiled. “When is she due?”

“June 27,” I said running my fingers over the picture.

“When are the boys leaving for Parris Island?” He asked. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

“June 25.” I sniffled. He sat back in his chair.

“2 days earlier, I remember I was getting deployed when your Mom was pregnant with you.  Her due date was 3 days after my deployment day. But 2 days before I was to leave, your mom went into labor and you magically fell into my arms. Like I have no idea I think I passed out.” I giggled at him. He always knew how to make me laugh. “But no I watched her give me you and like how you turned out; a beautiful soon to be Marine Fiancé. I really thought I was going to miss it. But you didn’t let me. You showed up early and I got to meet you. Well when I got home from that deployment, it was 9 months; you want to know what happened?” I nodded.

“Yeah.” I whispered.

“My three kids were there. Connor said, ‘welcome’ Jesse said, ‘Home’ and you said in your baby voice you said, ‘Daddy!’ then giggled. It was one day I will never forget.” He smiled at me. “Life has a way of throwing you curve balls baby. Never let a strike from one of those balls ever make you stop playing the game. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. Remember I always told you that.” I nodded and wiped the tears that were rolling down my cheek on the back of my hand.  “Life isn’t easy, and you should know that. Like remember that time you thought I was going to have to miss that big show and tell thing you wanted me to do because they wouldn’t let me home?”

“Yeah, then I was about to burst into tears when every ones daddies were there and mine wasn’t, till the teacher took me out of the room and you were standing there in your uniform holding a sigh saying ‘Sorry I lied.’” I laughed remembering.  He smiled and laughed too.

“Then you kicked me in my shin, kissed it better and pulled my hand into the room and showed me to all your friends like I was your show-and-tell project.” I nodded smiling. “You still stayed strong. That’s what you are going have to do for Jesse and Cooper. Remember everything happens for a reason. Okay Baby Doll?” I nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too Daddy.” I smiled. He looked around my room then back at me.

“Okay I need your help with something.” He whispered looking around to make sure no one was listening….

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