Chapter 57: Hello?

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I woke to the feel of someone gently shaking me. I opened my eyes to see the doctor who helped me before. “Grace you can go see the babies now if you want to.” She said helping as I tried to get up. “Now be careful you just had a c-section you are going to be in pain. So take it easy.” She helped me into a wheel chair and handed me my IV bag.

“Are they okay?” I asked as we left the room where Kirsty was still sleeping.

“Well the little girl is having some trouble breathing, but with her size it’s no shock. The little boy he is pretty good. We have him on oxygen just in case; he is really good for his age. He needs to gain some weight before he can go home. Now little girl she needs a little more work. She is much smaller than her brother. From what we can tell now, you not having any prenatal care haven’t affected them at all.” She rolled me to the NICU. I had to wash my hands and she sat me in a rocking chair near two incubators. She opened the first one and pulled out a blue bundle that was connected to wires. She handed him to me; I cradled him to my body ever so gently. I moved the blanket from in front of his little face to see the little air tube on his nose but he woke up from his nap making him fuss a little in my arms.

“It’s okay little guy.” I whispered rocking the chair a little. He opened his eyes at the sound of my voice

“He knows your voice.” She smiled. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes.

“But how? I didn’t know he was growing inside me, him or his sister.” I felt my jaw wobble as I saw his hand on top of the blanket. I ran my finger over the little bit of skin.

“You’re his mother nothing can change that.” She said checking on another baby. I looked back at the little baby in my arms. He was perfect, small, but perfect.  He looked like Poppy so much, but he had Cooper’s dark navy eyes. He had this black fuzz on the top of his head, big navy eyes and of course the cute little button nose. I pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

 “I love you baby boy. You have a big brother; he is going to love you when he hears he has a little brother. Now Daddy would be around for a while, but Uncle Ruben he will. You will get to see him. He is going to be your God father but he just doesn’t know it yet so don’t tell him.” He pushed his legs down as if he was kicking. “He is kicking?” I asked confused.

“He is still young so he doesn’t know how else to respond. He is kicking, like he used to when he was in side you. He is listening.” She smiled. I looked down at my baby’s little face. “Keep talking to him, I think he likes it.” I put my finger under his hand and almost started to cry as he wrapped his hand around it.

“Your perfect, little one; just prefect.”  The doctor looked at me.

“Would you like to hold your daughter?” I looked up at her.

“Please,” I whispered as she took the little boy. She put him in an incubator and walked to the one next to it. She pulled out a pink bundle and handed her to me. “She is so small.” I whispered. She has wires and tubes coming from her but she looked peaceful. Now she was different from her brother she had blonde fuzz on her little head, but she still had Cooper’s dark navy eyes just like I wanted her to have. She moved her mouth and yawned.

“She was hiding behind her brother the whole time. It’s why we didn’t see her on the ultra sound. She is small but hopefully if she gains weight and we can get her off the feeding tube she can go home.” The doctor said.

“She is on a feeding tube?” I asked in panic

“She can suckle but she is very weak so we put in a feeding tube. Little man can suckle all by himself. He is strong, but the little girl is a fighter. I think she will do great.” She smiled at me. I looked down at the little baby and sighed. I gently pressed a kiss to her forehead. It felt so weird to sit here holding my daughter. The doctor looked at the clock. She made a face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You have to get back to bed, you need to rest and it’s almost check up time and you’re not going to like it.” I sighed knowing she was probably right.

“Okay, but I’ll get to come back soon?” I asked. She smiled.

“After you are rested you can. Now come on.” She took the little girl in my arms from me and laid her back in the incubator. The doctor turned to me and rolled me out of the NICU. When we got back to the room Kirsty was walking out from the bathroom.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“Hey, did you see the babies?” I nodded my head and smiled.

“They are the cutest.” She smiled and picked up her car keys.

“You don’t mind me going to check on Logan do you?”

“No go head. I think I’m going to take a nap. Hey Doc can I have some pain pills my stomach is starting to hurt again.” I looked at her. She nodded. They helped me onto the bed and I lay down with a sigh.

“I called your Dad last night and he said he was coming up as soon as he could watch Hunter while you are in here. He was shocked but I think he was happy.” She smiled at me as the doctor gave me some pain killers.

“Good.” I yawned. She smiled as the doctor left.

“I will see you later, bye.”

“Bye.” I said as the blackness took over and peace seeped in……….

I woke to the sound of the hospital phone ringing. I leaned over to answer it.

Me* Hello?

Cooper* Hey Baby………………

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