Chapter 51: I'm a Mommy

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I had my hand firmly holding Hunter’s face in my shoulder, but he was snuggling in so it was really just me holding him. I opened my eyes to see little Logan crying the police officer’s arms as he pulled him out of my mom’s dead arms. They shot her. They shot and killed her. Logan was safe, Logan was alive. Oh thank you god. I pressed my lips into Hunter’s hair and whispered. “It’s okay Buddy. It’s okay.” Cooper had his arms safely around the two of us.

“Can I look now Mommy?” He asked. I looked at Cooper as the tears formed in my eyes. He called me Mommy. He thinks of me as his mommy. Cooper looked at me with one of those beaming smiles that went from ear to ear.

“Not yet buddy, not yet.” I watched as the police officer handed Logan to Kirsty and she hugged her son for dear life sobbing. Jesse pulled the two of them into a hug as he cried with relief knowing his family is safe. The cops pushed the man that was with mom before in front of them.

“You shot her.” He said in shock looking at my mom as she bled out from the gunshot wound in her forehead.

“We had to, to save the baby.” The man said. The guy looked at her then the little boy who was in my arms.

“Ha you’re orphaned you little bastard.” He yelled at him. I felt the tears hitting my shoulder as he started to cry.

“Fuck you.” I snapped at him. He looked at me with a raise eyebrow.

“Like you care.” He laughed.

“I do care. I care more than you ever will.” The police grabbed his face to shut him up.

“What happened to the little boy’s father?” Uncle Charlie asked.

“He was killed in Iraq about a year after that thing was born. I never signed those stupid adoption papers so he is no ones; sure as hell not my problem.” No one saw it till it was too late. Cooper ran over and punched him square in the jaw sending him to the ground in his cuffs.

“Thank god someone did that, I was getting ready to.” A cop sighed. “You really are a douche bag.” They lifted him up and took him out as I walked out with Hunter from another door.

“You can look now Buddy.” Hunter looked up at me and looked around at the cool night.

“It cold Mommy.” He frowned at me. As if on cue Cooper came out with a blanket from the truck Poppy road in and wrapped it around the two of us.

“You okay Baby?” He whispered into my ear. I nodded and laid my head on his chest as Hunter started to drift on my chest where he was snuggled and comfy.

“Yeah, I think we succeeded on making this a night to never forget.” I sighed. He kissed my head.

“It will be okay. Don’t worry.” A police officer came out with Uncle Charlie and looked at us.

“How is the little guy?” Uncle Charlie said looking at a fast asleep Hunter.

“He called me Mommy.” I smiled stroking the hair on his forehead.

“Well that’s something we have to talk about. Why don’t we go back to your place, you change into something more comfortable.” The officer said looking at his watch. “Do you have anything planned, you know since it is your wedding night.” He smiled. I looked at Cooper.

“No we were just going to stay in the room and then fly back to Wisconsin to get my orders before going back to South Carolina.” He sighed pulling me closer to him. The Officer nodded.

“Then I will meet you at your house in about say 2 hours?” He looked at Uncle Charlie. He nodded.

“It was good to meet you Captain Jones.” They shook hands. Uncle Charlie handed me the keys to his rental truck.

“I will meet the three of you back at the house.” Cooper nodded taking the keys and walking with me to the truck.

“What do you think they need to talk about?” I asked after about 10 minutes of silence.

“I don’t know Baby, but we are a family and we will stick together.” He kissed my head as we pulled into the driveway of the house. Cooper turned to me. “Why don’t you go take a shower and change while I go lay Hunter down on the couch?” He said kissing me. 

“Okay.” I kissed Hunters head as I went to go take a shower and change. I came back into the family room to see Hunter cuddled up to Cooper, who was only in a t-shirt and pajama pants, watching a Disney movie on the TV. “Hey,” I smiled at the two of them. Hunter looked at me and smiled.

“Mommy come watch.” He said moving so I could lay down with them too. I snuggled up to Cooper and Laid Hunter on top of us. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the door bell ringing. I groaned moving slightly waking up Cooper and Hunter in the process. Poppy walked in with Captain Jones and smiled at us.

“I see you took my advice. Now I need to talk to you two.” He said looking at Poppy then Hunter. I guess Poppy got the message.

“Hey Hunter why don’t me and you go see if we have any pajamas for you up stairs.” Hunter crawled over us to Poppy as he picked him up and walked up to the attic. Captain Jones took a folder out of his bag and handed it to me and Cooper.  I looked at him confused.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“It’s all I could find on the little guy. The guy was right. Hunters father was killed about 2 and a half years ago. After his death your mother met the ass hole, and they got married. He didn’t adopt Hunter so this will work out even better for you too. There was no will from your mother, and no one to take Hunter. You, being over 18, married, and being family, you can legally adopt him. It would work out for the both of you. You’re Uncle told me about how you can’t have any babies and how much you want to have a baby. SO I got you these.” He handed us another folder. I opened it and gasped. Cooper looked over and pressed his lips to my head. “Adoptions take so long and well I know a judge and he got these, you just have to go tomorrow for the final run through. I got it the earliest I could so you have a court day for about 7.30. All you have to do is sigh this to state that you will be the adopted parents, his full name, and sigh the last page one more time, you know papers.” He smiled handing us a pen. “If you could do it now so I can get the judge the papers for tomorrow.” I signed it then Cooper did. “Now what is his full name?” I looked at Cooper.

“Hunter Michel Banks.” I smiled. Michel was Cooper’s dad’s name. He always wanted to name his son’s middle name after his dad. Captain Jones smiled.

“Okay one last thing and then it’s going to be all set for tomorrow. I need you to sign one last time right here.” He pointed and we both signed it. “Okay perfect. Now all three of you just have to be at court tomorrow and Hunter will be your legal son.”

“Captain Jones, how can we ever repay you?” I asked hugging him.

“It’s a wedding present, be happy and I’ll see both of you tomorrow.” He smiled and walked out. Poppy came back with a washed Hunter in a pair of Dad’s old superman P.J.s. Hunter looked so happy.

“Hey Buddy come here.” I smiled and he ran over to me. “What would you say if I said you can come live with Cooper and me?” He looked at me. He looked at me with wide eyes.

“Can I?” He asked. I nodded and hugged him tight. “Does that mean he is my Daddy now?” He asked pointing his little fingers at Cooper. I nodded as Cooper hugged Hunter.

“Come on Hunter it’s time for bed.” Dad said to him. Hunter looked at him.

“Okay, I love you Mommy, I love you Daddy.” I felt the tears sting my eyes as I watched Dad take him to a spare room with a twin bed in it. Cooper though his arms around me as they left.

“I’m a Mommy, I’m a Mommy!”

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