Chapter 56: Please Breathe

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“Another baby? Another baby!” I looked at Kirsty in panic. She looked as shocked and panicked as I am.

“Yeah Grace it looks like its Twins.” She looked at me than back at my stomach. I felt the pressure again and pulling. I clenched on Kirsty’s hand.

“It will be okay, it will.” She smiled weakly.

‘I hope so’ I thought looking at the doctor. I felt the pressure ease. I looked at the doctor and sure enough in her hands was a small little baby. Once again the silence was deafening. She cleared the little air way and rubbed her back like she did with the little boy. I felt the silent tears rolling down my face as the minutes past with no crying.

“Please Baby breath. Please breath.” I cried out. I knew if she didn’t breath soon she was gone for. My hope was growing smaller and smaller till a high pitch scream suddenly came from the little body. I looked at the doctor who was cleaning the tiny body.

“Congratulations Grace, it’s a little girl.” She smiled handing off the little body to another nurse who put her right into an incubator before rushing her off to the NICU. “Do you have any names for them? The doctor asked as she stitched me up. I shook my head.

“No, not really. I always thought Hunter was going to be an only child.” I sighed trying to ignore the pressure that was starting to hurt. “But I feel bad if I name the babies before I talk to Cooper.” I started to cry. “What if they don’t make it by the time I talk to Cooper?” I cried harder as they took me to recovery.

“I will make sure by the time you talk to your husband the twins will be okay till then. I will do everything in my power to keep them alive. For now we will just call the little boy Baby A and the little girl Baby B.” I looked at her.

“Can you put Thing 1 and Thing 2 under that?” I asked gently. She nodded.

“Sure.” I looked at the wall clock and it was about 4 o’clock in the morning. I looked back at her as she hooked me up to the IV and heart monitor. “When do you think I will be able to see them?” I asked in a quiet voice. She looked at me.

“It might be a while for them to check them out make sure they both are okay. Not having prenatal care can be very dangerous to the baby, and even more since you were pregnant with twins.” I broke down crying.

“I didn’t know, I’m so sorry.” I cried. She patted my hand.

“It’s okay, now I need to know did you drink or smoke while you were pregnant?” She asked. I looked at Kirsty.

“No not at all, I’m only 18 and I didn’t like to drink for the past 9 months it made me sick to my stomach so I stayed away from it. And smoking is just gross. Ew, I would never smoke.” I looked up at her with sad eyes. “Did I do well?” I asked. She smiled.

“It’s a good think you didn’t drink or smoke because that could make this even worse then it could have been. I’m going to go see if I can get an emergency message to your husband so you guys can talk. Now I’m going to check on the babies and see if you can go see them in the NICU. Now you get some sleep, I’m going to give you some pain pills so you are comfortable and I will get you when you can see the babies.” I nodded as she gave me some pain pills with a needle into my IV.

“Make sure my babies are okay.” I said sleepily as my eyes started to close.

“I will, don’t worry, just sleep.” She smiled as I was passed out. Kirsty smiled at the doctor.

“Will I wake her if I use that phone?” She asks in a whisper. She shook her head.

“I think she will be out for a while.” She nodded. “I’m going to check on the babies.” She walked out as Kirsty picked up the phone to call Alex.


Kirsty* Hey Alex

Alex* Oh my god how is she?

Kirsty* Your never going to guess this.

 Alex* What? What happened?

Kirsty*Grace just had twins

Alex* Twins as in like what twins?

Kirsty* Twins like in a baby boy and a baby girl.

Alex* Holy Crap

Kirsty* That’s what I said.

Alex*How is she? How are the babies?

Kirsty* She is sleeping she had a c-section so she is out

Alex*Wow, she didn’t look pregnant how far along was she?

Kirsty* The boy looked about 8 months maybe less but the little girl was small.

Alex* Wow. This is just, oh my, what is Cooper going to say?

Kirsty* I don’t know. Do you think you can watch Hunter tomorrow too while she is here in till we figure out what to do.

Alex* Oh course I will, don’t worry. Call when you find out anything more. Also send pictures. I want to see the little babies.

Kirsty* I will when I can. I have to go and call her Dad now so I better go.

Alex* Okay, talk soon. Bye

Kirsty* Bye

Kirsty hung up the phone and sighed. She dialed my Dad’s number hoping he would answer since it was really early.


Kirsty*Jerry you need to come to Lejeune like now

Dad* Why Kirsty what’s wrong?

Kirsty* Grace needs you more than ever right now.

Dad* Kirsty you aren’t making sense

Kirsty* She was pregnant Jerry.

Dad*Oh god, did she loose the baby? But Cooper has been gone for 5 months……

Kirsty*No she didn’t lose the baby and she was pregnant before Cooper left.

Dad* Kirsty what are you trying to tell me.

Kirsty*She had twins Jerry. A boy and a girl.

Dad*Oh god. I will get on the first flight there.

Kirsty* Good, because she needs someone to watch Hunter.

Dad*Thanks for calling Kirsty; I will be there as soon as I can.

Kirsty*I will see you soon than. Bye.

Dad* Bye.

Kirsty hung up the phone and looked at me laying on the bed, at peace. She laid her head down on the pillow they left on the couch for her and closed her eyes.  This was going to be a long week…………

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