Chapter 59: I Look Like Daddy, Mommy

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Kirsty brought me my lap top so I could work on my school work while they make me rest. I was looking up baby names when I had the urge to go pee. When I got back from the bathroom the doctor was in the room. “Um, Hi.” I said making her look up from my chart.

“Oh good, I need to talk to you about something.” I sat down on the bed and looked at her.

“Are the babies okay?”

“Well the little man is okay, he is gaining some weight not much, but it’s about the little girl.” I looked at her and climbed under the covers. “She isn’t gaining anyway and her breathing is getting a little worse so I wanted to ask you something. There is one thing I have seen at another hospital.  It might not work but it’s a good try. I want to put the twins in the same incubator. It might work since they twins and they shared a womb. I have seen it work with many other preme twins. I think she will love the company and it looks like the little guy will love it too.” I looked at her and sighed.

“Okay do it. But what if it doesn’t work?” I asked putting my hands on my stomach.

“Then we relook at the situation. But right now it seems like a good way to go.” I nodded but flinched as I pulled at the stitches on my c-section cut too much. “I also want to talk about you.” She sat on the end of the bed.

“What about me?” I asked not sure. The doctor put a hand on my foot.

“I have read your file and I want to do another ultra sound to look at your uterus and ovaries.” I looked up from where I was looking down.

“Why?” I gulped.

“I think we are going to have to give you a hysterectomy.” I felt the tears stinging my eyes.

“Why?” It was like it was the only word I would say.

“Sweet heart, when we got the twins out we had to cut more than we planned to. Your uterus is really in bad shape. There is too much scar tissue and it’s going to shut down. Your body has taken a lot in the past 3 years. You have been beat, shot, and then had 2 babies. Your body’s reproductive organs aren’t working any more. They are only causing you more pain. If you get pregnant again you will become very sick and the baby will not survive. I think it would be better if we just stop it now. No more pain, no more birth control, no more worry. I think you should get a total hysterectomy.” I leaned back on my pillows and looked at her.

“Can I have time to think about this it’s a big thing?” She nodded and patted my leg.

“Think about it. Your right it is a big thing. Sleep on it, talk about it with your husband. Just please think about it.”  I nodded as she left the room. I sucked in a deep breath and sighed. I rubbed my face trying to think, but my mind was so clouded with fear and worry I couldn’t. I heard running footsteps causing me to open my eyes.  Hunter ran into my room crying.

“Hunter what’s wrong?” I asked sitting up. He looked up at me with tears running down his face and ran over.

“Mommy.” He sobbed. I lifted him up and he right away snuggled into me. “Mommy.” I hugged him tight to me.

“What’s wrong my perfect little man?” I asked rubbing his hair.

“The bee was mean, he put his butt on me and it hurt.” He cried into my shoulder.

“The bee stung you.” He looked up at me and nodded showing me the big red bump on his arm.

“It hurts Mommy, it’s a lot.” He sobbed. Dad came walking into the room holding a bag of takeout food.

“He was going to pick you a flower and didn’t see the bee on it till he was screaming bloody murder. He then he just wanted you.” He put the bag on the table next to my bed.

“Shh it’s okay Baby. Shh Mommy is here.” I hugged him. I pressed the button for the nurse as I soothed him by humming in his ear as the nurse came in.

“What can I help you with?” She smiled. I looked at her.

“Hunter show the nice lady your arm.” He looked at her and showed her the big bump. She walked over.

“Oh you poor thing.” She gasped as he burst into tears again as she gently touched it. She looked at me. “I’m going to have to remove then stinger than the pain should stop. You should watch him to make sure he isn’t allergic to it. He can stay with you, I can ask the doctor. Let me get my tools so I can get that out so it doesn’t hurt anymore.” She patted his leg before getting up and walking out. Hunter held on to me for comfort. I stroked his and held him close. He was crying into my shoulder as Dad sat next to me rubbing his shoulder.

“Shh Hunter it’s okay.” I pressed my lips to his head as the nurse came back with a doctor. He sat down on a roll in chair he brought in.

“Hey Buddy, I’m Dr.  Stone. I work down stair with the other kids.” Hunter clutched me tighter. “Can I see your hurt arm?” He asked gently as Hunter put his arm in Dr. Stone’s hand. Dr. Stone looked at it before picking up some long headed tweezers. “Okay Buddy this is going to hurt okay, hold on to your Mommy.” Hunter started to scream as He started to pull the stinger out of his arm. Hunter tried to jerk his arm out of the doctors grasp but a nurse held it. “Here we are, damn that’s a big one.”  He held up the stinger which was about the size of my finger nail on my thumb. Hunter turned his head and snuggled into my shoulder.

“Shh it’s okay now. It’s going to be all better now.” I kissed him. I looked down at the bump to see all the red swollen skin around it.

“Get him some steroids and IV drip and some antibiotic cream.” He called to the nurse. She nodded and ran out. “Now buddy I’m going to have to put some cream on that so it gets better. Then I have to wrap it up and make it look cool. Than you can lay down with Mommy and watch some TV right?” He looked at me. I nodded.

“Yeah Hunter, we will get to watch some TV while Grandpa goes to get you and me some yummy ice cream.” Hunter looked up at me with watery eyes.

“With whip cream and strawberries?” He sniffled. I nodded.

“Whatever you want on it.” I smiled at him.

“Okay.” He sighed snuggling back into my shoulder. The nurse came back in with all he needed.

“Okay Hunter I need you to take a deep breath, because this is going to be cold.” Hunter gripped me tighter as he spread the cream on his bee sting. He put thin white gauze over the bump from just above his wrist to just below his elbow.

 “I found this and I thought he would love it.” The nurse handed the doctor camo gauze. He gently tied it around the gauze. Hunter looked at the gauze with a smile.

“I look like Daddy, Mommy.” He smiled the pain forgotten.

“You look just like him Buddy.” I smiled kissing his head again.  The doctor put down the rest of the gauze and picked up the needle for the IV.

“Okay buddy another little pinch.” He got the IV in quickly and put the steroids in the needle and put it in the IV. “Okay Buddy all down.” He smiled at him as he put tape over the little butterfly needle in his arm. “How about you go lay with your Mommy as I get you a little something so the pain will go away.” He got up and talked to the nurse. Dad picked up Hunter so I could lie down so he can Hunter lay down next to me. The doctor walked back in with a syringe. “Okay Hunter this is going to make you tired okay.” He nodded as the doctor put it in his IV bag. “Feel better little guy.” He smiled before walking out to talk to Dad. Hunter looked at me.

“Mommy, I’m tired.” He yawned. I smiled.

“Then go to bed.” I said pulling the blanket up so he was coved.

“Night Mommy, I love you.” He snuggled into my side.

“I love you too.” I whispered as sleep over took me and I slipped into unconsciousness………….

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