Chapter 27: Perfect

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I was in the nursery at home when Cooper walked into the front door “Babe you here?”  He called into the quiet house.

“Yeah I’m in here Cooper.” I call back putting down my paint brush. He walked into the room and smiled at me as I stood there in an old t-shirt of Uncle Charlie’s that went to about mid-thigh with a pair of short shorts. “Hey baby.” I smiled at him wiping my face with an old rag.

 “This looks amazing.” He said looking around the room. It was painted a light blue with white trim. I had painted wooden letters on the wall that spelled out Logan Thomas, in many different colors. On the wall across from it was the Marine Corps Emblem with an eagle flying under it perfectly. “Who did theses?” He asked.

“I did it, did they came out okay?” I asked biting my lip.

“Grace these are amazing!” He said as I finished off a fighter plane on another wall. I signed my name at the bottom and stepped back and smiled at it.

“Perfect.” I smiled. I looked at Cooper. “Okay what did you need Baby?” I asked he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

“When do you want to start putting the crib and changing table up?” He whispered into my ear before kissing my neck. I smiled pulling on his shorts waist.

“Well we should wait for the paint to dry so we would have time for-” I pulled his head from my neck to kiss him. He lifted me up and brought me to our room and dropped me on our bed as I giggled…………

………..I lay on the bed looking up at Cooper. “Cooper is this going to change with you become a Marine?” I asked rolling over to look at him on my stomach.

“Why would you say that?” He asked rubbing his buzz cut.

“I just, I don’t want anything to happen to us. When I was little I heard my dad talking to one of his friends when I little. He said that he thought the Marine Corps ruined his marriage. He was going to become a Parris Island Drill instructor, but the day before he was going to send in his papers Mom wasn’t home when we came home from school.  We sat there for hours alone till one of Dad’s friends came to drop off something when he saw us. He let us in and called Dad. That was the day everything changed. Nothing would ever be the same. We always moved around from then on. From grandpa’s house to Uncle Charlie’s to Dad’s house then back to Grandpa’s and occasionally Grandma’s. That’s when we really got close because we would be some were for a little while then uproot 6 months later and start off again.”

 “That sounds bad.” He said rubbing my shoulders. I turned my head to look right into his eyes.

“Have you ever seen your Dad sob?” I asked he shook his head. “It one thing when you think he is your rock, your hero, he’s untouchable like he was everything. But when you see your Dad, your everything, brake down and sob.” I shake my head as the tears start to form in my eyes. “I guess it’s different when it’s a deployment crying then a sob when your mom leaves you.” I curl up in a ball as Cooper pulls me to him. “She hurt us all, and all I wish is to hurt her back.” I sighed kissing his bare shoulder I was laying on.

“That sounds rough.” He sighed into my hair.

“It is. Do you promise you wouldn’t do that to me? Do you promise I won’t be home as you just go off and fuck some bimbo?” I ask holding back the tears.

“I promise you. You are so much better than a bimbo. I love you and nothing can change that.” He kissed me. “I love you so much.” He kissed me again. I kissed him again and giggled slipping my hand under the covers……….

I stood in the nursery the next day looking around. The boxes were all in here we just had to put them together. “Okay you ready to start?” Cooper asked walking in a pair of shorts and a wife beater. I smiled at him.

“Yup, you start the Crib while I get the mattress from the car and then the sheets from the wash.” I smiled walking out. I heard him groan and start. When I finally finished wiping down the mattress and putting the dark blue striped sheets on it and brought it in the room Cooper was done with the crib. “Fast work Coop.” I smiled at him. He looked over and smiled from where he was taking out the changing table.

“Wasn’t that hard to build. Here let me get that.” He took the mattress out of my hands and put it in the crib. I started to help him when he grabbed my hand and pinned me to the floor.

“Cooper what are you doing?” I laughed at him as he leaned down to kiss me.

“Did you ever think of our wedding?” He asked putting his knees on each side of my hips.

“All the time, why?” I ask. He pulls up in his strong arms.

“We never planned a date.” He sighed I looked at him.

“When do you want it to be?” I asked. He looked at me.

“After Jesse and I graduate from boot camp; the 10 days before we need to be back.” He said. I looked over his face.

“Okay, we can have it then, but where can we have it?” We both thought for a minute. “I know we can have it at my Grandma’s house in Kentucky! She would love that!” I squealed. He smiled.

“Okay cool Kentucky. Now let’s see you want the guard of honor?” He asked. I nodded.

“I guess I’ll have a Marine smack my butt and say ‘Welcome to the Marines’ if I must.” I giggled at his face. “It can be Jesse or Connor if you like.” He nodded and pouted.

“Okay so I promise to get you your ring and little Logan will be the ring bearer.” He smiled. “It sounds perfect.”

“Perfect.” I smiled.

“Perfect.” He repeated.

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