Chapter 33: That's Daddy

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I woke up with a hand slapping my face. I opened my eyes to see Logan sitting on my chest sucking on his binky. He smiled when he saw me looking at him. Kirsty stood behind him holding him up. “Good Morning Logan, is there a reason your smell little butt is sitting on me?” He giggled at me and bounced a little. I looked at the clock it was 5:30.

“Come on you have to get ready for family day. You have an hour before we have to leave.” She laughed picking up Logan so I could get in the shower. It was 6.00 when I got out. I walked into the little kitchen area we have and kissed Little Logan’s head as he drank away at his bottle. Dad was sitting in the front room sitting reading the newspaper drinking his coffee.

“Morning Dad. Did you sleep well?” I asked stealing the comics from his paper.

“I did what about you?” He asked taking another drink of his coffee.

“Yeah till I got woken up by a stinky little butt names Logan.” I laughed. “So when are we going to leave I can’t wait to see Cooper again.” I smiled trying to stop my hands from shaking. Dad smiled.

“How about we go get you something to eat before we go.” He said grabbing my hands to stop them.

“I am not hungry Dad. If I eat anything it is just going to come back up. Oh god I just want to be hugged by him.” Dad raised an eyebrow. “Well Dad I don’t want to tell you want I want to do to him because… Oh I don’t know you’re my Dad.” I laughed.

“Yeah but I was a Marine coming home from deployment and I trust me I don’t want to think about it.” We shuddered at the thought. Kirsty started to laugh at our faces.

“You can tell you’re related so easily from the face you both just made.” She laughed causing Logan to let out the cutest giggle ever.

“Can we just go I want to see my fiancé like now? It has been a long time like 12 weeks. Long time.” I nodded with a matter-of-fact face.

“Okay before this gets any more graphic because you know we have a baby here.” Dad said standing up.

“No Dad we have 2.” I laughed as it took him a minute to see it was him I was talking about.

“Hey wait!” He scrunched up his nose. “Grace you take that back.” He said putting his hands on his hips.

“I’m sorry Daddy, but can we please go now.” I said as I jumped up and down. Dad smiled.

“Kirsty you ready to go?” Dad asked as she picked up Logan’s camo diaper bag as I put him in his baby seat. He was fast asleep sucking on his binky as we left the motel. When we got to Parris Island it was getting crowded. “You ready baby?” He whispered. I looked at him and nodded.

“You ready Kirsty?” I asked she nodded as we all opened the doors and started to walk to the parade grounds. Kirsty had her hand curled around the handle of the car seat that she was holding. As we walked I stopped as I heard that oh so familiar laugh causing me to turn around and smile. Standing there was Cooper rocking his uniform. They shaved his head even more then it was so it had that military kind of feel. He looked over and our eyes locked. It was perfect. My heart started to beat like crazy from just looking at him. My feet took off and I jumped into his arms pulling his face to mine letting my fingers run over the missing hair on his head. He had his arms snuggly holding on my waist. I let him come up for air before crushing my lips back on his.

“I missed you so much.” His voice was raspy from the kiss.

“Not as much as I missed you.” I sighed laying my forehead on his and he gently put my feet back on the ground. “I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you too Baby, so much.” He kissed me again.

“Dude, don’t suck the face off my sister so I can say Hi.” I heard Jesse say. I look over and smile as I see Jesse with his arm over Kirsty shoulder. I looked confused when I don’t see Logan.

“Where is Logan?” I asked. Jesse smiled pulling me into a hug.

“Dad has him; I didn’t get to see him yet because Dad went to change his diaper.” He kissed my head before pulling back and re-wrapping his arm around Kirsty’s shoulders. I snuggled into Cooper’s arms again as Dad walked over with a fully awake Logan. Cooper held his breath as he saw Logan for the first time with his own eyes.

“He has grown so much. He just doesn’t look like the little red baby we left before we got here. He is so much cuter.” Cooper whispered into my hair. I nodded as Jesse saw Logan. Lo took a long look at him before smiling and lifting his arms up giggling to be picked up. Jess picked him up in amazement as Logan looked at me and tapped Jesse’s face just like in the picture. I smiled at him.

“Yeah Logan that’s Daddy.” He looked back at Jesse and sucked on his binky and trying to pull on the stubble on Jesse’s face. “Of he definitely knows who his Daddy is.” I smiled almost sadly. Cooper kissed my head as Logan looked at Cooper and reached for him. Cooper let go of me and held Logan. He did the same thing with Jesse and tapped Cooper’s face. “That’s Uncle Coop.” I smiled at him. He then reached for me and snuggled into me like he knew that was all I need to feel better. A hug from one of my favorite boys. He was ranking high but not as high as my Cooper, because I can’t wait till I can finally take Cooper home to get married…………..  

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