1: Honeymoon Gone Wrong

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Steven Grant Rogers-Stark and Anthony Edward Rogers-Stark were on their honeymoon in Brooklyn, New York in early June when they spotted smoke. Getting closer to investigate, they found it was a boys home on fire.

"Steve?" Tony said seriously, turning to his husband.

"Yes," the blond replied instantly. He turned to Tony with a sorry smile and took off down the street with his Captain America speed-boost. Tony sighed and reached into the back pocket of his jeans, grabbing the two silver bracelets. He clicked them on, held up his arms, and waited. Within seconds, his latest Iron Man suit flew to him and encased him in the red-and-gold painted metal suit.

"Hey Jarvis," he sighed. "Find the humans, building on fire, you know the drill."

"Good to see you too, sir,"Jarvis replied sarcastically in his programmed British accent. "Twenty-seven people located. Five on the third floor, eighteen on the second floor, and four on the first floor."

"Thanks buddy." Tony flew through the window on the third floor, smashing it to pieces. Inside he found the origin of the fire and five young boys huddled in the corner. They were unable to go out the door because the fire was blocking it. The orange flames licked at the walls, inching closer and closer to the small group.

"Haven't you ever been told not to play with fire?" Iron Man scolded playfully, grabbing the boys two at a time to bring them outside. The last boy couldn't have been more than four and he was white as a sheet, completely terrified. "C'mon kid, let's get you out'a here." Iron Man picked up the trembling child and gently flew him to the ground.

There was already a large group of children in the street, as Steve had been running in and out of the building, helping everyone to safety.

"J, how many more?" Tony asked the AI, flying back into the building. He could feel the heat and was desperate to get all the people out.

"Seven, sir. Second floor." Tony crashed up a floor through the burning wood to find Steve there as well. Steve was trying to move a wooden beam that had fallen so he could save a small group of kids.

"Cap, left," Tony yelled. Steve stepped to the side and Tony pushed the beam out of the way. Steve collected the group of three and Tony grabbed the other three.

Once they were outside, Steve sat on the curb, breathing hard. The woman whom they presumed to be Jasmine Day was sobbing and the boys were all huddled together, shaking in fear.

Jasmine started counting the boys and screamed suddenly. Steve shot up and ran over to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Peter!" she screeched. "Peter's still in there!"

"Where is he?" Steve questioned, trying to be as calm as possible.

"He's only three months!" Jasmine sobbed. "He's on the second floor, please save him," she begged, crumbling to the ground.

"TONY, GO!" Steve commanded, pointing to the burning building. "Boys, take care of her," he told a group of older boys who nodded shakily. "See you on the flip side!" He ran into the building, almost doubling over instantly. His eyes watered and he coughed continuously as he struggled up the stairs to the second floor.

Tony was in the corner, struggling to push a piece of the roof that had fallen to the side. Steve could hear the shrill screams of a young child and made his way over to help, head becoming light and dizzy. Together they pushed the smoldering wood away to reveal and crying baby wrapped up in red and blue blankets, a stuffed bear in his hand as he writhed about, eyes squeezed shut.

"I got him," said Steve, reaching down to pick up the child. He wrapped his giant arms around tiny Peter and stumbled toward the staircase, hacking up a lung. Tony could feel the heat, but he could breathe just fine in his suit. He started panicking and just picked up Steve along with Peter who was still bundled tight in the blond's arms. Tony flew them outside and gently put them down, stepping out of his suit.

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