25: Spiders

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Wade shot up, looking toward the noise.

"I knew it, by the way," Clint said casually, slipping his phone back into his pocket. Wade turned bright red, realizing Peter was still cuddled up next to him.

"Did you... Take a picture?" he asked slowly.

"Like fifty pictures, kid. You two are cute. Have a nice day." And with that, Clint disappeared down the hallway. Wade sighed, running a hand through his hair. Peter shuffled around, slowly waking up. He opened his big brown eyes and smiled up at Wade, stretching his arms and twisting around.

"Hi," he mumbled, sitting up. Wade smiled.

"Hi Pete."

"What are we doing today?"

"We're going skateboarding," Wade insisted. He leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to Peter's lips before climbing out of the bed and grabbing his jeans to go change. Peter rolled out of bed and changed into a simple pair of jeans and a light blue shirt, making sure to pull on his darker blue zip-up sweater and his brownish-tan jacket. Wade returned in his jeans and shoes and pulled on his shirt and jacket from the day before.

Peter checked the time; it was about 11:30 AM. "Hey Wade, I was wondering if we could go somewhere real quick."

"Uh, sure, where do you want to go?"

"I was wondering if we could make a quick stop at Oscorp. They're doing student tours today and I want to look around."

"You got into that?" Wade asked in suprise. "I thought you didn't?"

"I didn't, no, but there's a lot of stuff going on there and I want to see it. I was planing on going anyway and just taking someone's nametag, so..."

"Oooh, Peter Parker, breakin' the rules. I like it. Sure, we can go. How about I drop you off there and then go home and change and grab my skateboard and pick yo up after? Does that work?"

"That works perfectly. Let's take a cab, alright?"

"What, scared of my driving, Parker?" Wade teased, following him out of the room and down to the elevator.

"I'm gonna be honest wth you. Yes, your driving scares me. How did you even past the test?"

"I technically didn't..."


"Mutant school stuff. I'll explain later. Let's go to Oscorp!" Peter rolled his eyes and Wade shoved him into the elevator.


"I'll get you later, alright?" Wade called through his open car window. "Call me and I'll pop over and give you your board, and then we'll skate to the pier?"

"That sounds good. Now go, I'll see you later," Peter called back, waving him off. Wade nodded and drove off. Peter turned around and stared up at the looming building before him. He grinned and walked insied, going straight to the front desk.

"Hello sir. Here for the student tours?" the lady at the desk asked. Peter nodded. "Right there." She pointed to the desk to the side which had rows of name tags on the. Some were already missing, which meant there were already a few students there, and Peter didn't find his name (because he wasn't even on the list), so he grabbed a random one. He stuck it to his shirt and the secretary squinted at it.

"Gregor Ramirez?" she questioned. Peter looked down at the name tag and nodded.


"Alright. Up to the twentieth floor, please." Peter nodded, happy to be out form the secretary's evil gaze. He rushed off to the elevator and went up to the twentieth floor. He started across the room to join the group of students who were there already and turned right around and walked out the second he saw the blonde haired girl he had went on a date with just the night before.

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