20: Chaos and Dates

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Peter stepped out of the elevator and was instantly met with utter chaos.

Pillows are flying across the room and Pietro was whizzing aorund. Red balls of mostly harmless magic shot from Wanda's hands in every direction. Bear was barking at the noise and jumped on Peter. There was the sound of Natasha's irritated yelling from the kitchen. Steve was hiding behind the couch, shield raised over his head to protect him from the pillows that were, as previously mentioned, flying everywhere. The level above, Peter could see Bruce talking to Tony looking like he was trying to talk him out of something, and Tony irritatedly holding a screwdriver while he made occasional comments to Bruce's speech. Bucky stood behind them, staring at the wall with a slight smirk on his face.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Peter yelled, and everyone went silent. Natasha stopped her Russian cursing from the other room. Pietro stopped running and settled himself into the couch next to Clint. Bruce and Tony stopped arguing and Bucky grinned at Peter. Steve stood up and Wanda stopped her magic.

"Thank god," Bucky exclaimed, running down the stairs. He embraced Peter in a big hug, making a confused look form on the teenagers face.

"Uh, hi Pete," Steve greeted awkwardly.

"Hi Pops, Dad," Peter greeted with a wave to each parents. "Others," he added, nodding at the group of people before him. "Привет тетя Наталья!" he added in a yell. 'Hello aunt Natalia'.

"Здравствуй," Natasha yelled back. Peter instantly translated it to 'hello'. Natasha had been teaching him Russian since he was five, so he was pretty fluent in the language. She had also taught him French and Steve had taught him Gaelic, so Peter was a multilingual kid. Tony also taught him Italian, plus, if you count ASL (American Sign Language), Peter knew six languages.

"So, uh, Pete, we were just, uh," Steve stuttered, trying to find a proper excuse. Peter laughed and made his way tot he couch, sitting on the other side of Clint.

"Pops, please, it's fine. I totally get it. Even old people need to have fun soemtimes," he joked, casually grabbing a throw pillow from the couch and turning it over in his hands.

"Old people?" Steve repeated.

"Don't even try, Rogers," Bucky called, walking up behind him and clapping Steve on the shoulder. "You're what, a hundred thirteen now?"

"You're old too, Buck," Steve sassed, moving his shoulder so Bucky's hand fell off it. "Two years older, in fact."

"At least I'm taller," Bucky tired. Steve looked down at him with that 'really?' look on his face. "Well I was," Bucky defended. "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes. Till you went and did that crazy experiment without my permission." Bucky flicked him in the back of the head with his flesh.

"Sorry I didn't ask you first, mom. You were busy in the war, in case you didn't notice," Steve said, his left hand reaching over to mess up Bucky's hair. Bucky looked over at Peter and winked. Peter grinned and threw the pillow as hard as he could at his dad. It hit Steve straight in the stomach and Bucky took that time to grab Steve's shield and run across the room.

Chaos erupted once again.

Pillows stared flying from Bucky to Steve Peter and back again. Wanda joined in once more, tiny bursts of harmless magical energy flying through the room and shooting pillows out of the air and bouncing against Steve's shield that Bucky still had. Tony, from the balcony, grinned and decided to join the fun.

"J, send me my flying shoes please," he requested, and jumped off the balcony. Just before he hit the ground, the boots of his Mark 58 Iron Man suit curled themselves around his feet and he stopped falling and instead levitated above the ground. The gloves encircled his hands and he began flying around, grabbing pillows and throwing them around. Bruce calmly retreated from the chaos and went back to his lab to finish up part of the experiment he had been working on before.

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