19: Rocky Horror

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Three Years Later

Peter ran around the corner into an alley and stopped, cursing. It was a dead end. Of course, he could climb up the dumpster and up the fire escape ladder of the apartment building and hide on the roof, but he'd rather just take the beating than risk his life preforming acrobatics while trying to escape.

"Hey Peter," a voice spat, nearing him. Peter groaned and backed up against the wall, staring up at Flash Thompson in anger and disgust.

"Flash. Do you really have nothing better to do than chase me through the streets and beat me up? Because if hurting me is the only thing that brings you joy, I feel bad for your parents. They must be really upset with having a dick for a son," Peter said innocently. Flash growled and cracked his knuckles.

"Lisen, punk," he spat, "I'm not the one with fags for parents."

"Those 'faggot dads' I have, also happen to be world-famous superheroes. Imagine how upset they would be with you if I just happened to tell them about all the pain you've put me in over the last, what, four years now?" Flash scoffed.

"I'm not scared of your dads. I could beat up any gay pansy that came my way." Flash raised his fist and swung, hitting Peter right on the right cheekbone. Peter winced and eyed Flash's right hand. He had on his rings.

"Won't even take off the rings, Flash? How evil are you, man?"

"I'm not the evil one, fag. Everybody knows gays are a sin. Get it through your thick skull, or I'll get it through for you." He slapped Peter on the side of the head with his left hand, the one without the rings. Then he nailed him in the gut with his right. Peter winced - that one would bruise for sure.

"Ya know Flash, I bet you hate me because Gwen broke up with you, and started talking to me instead," Peter accused, jabbing Flash in the chest with his finger.

"Don't fucking talk about Gwen, you dirty little piece of shit." Flash hit him again and kept going. Nothing was stopping him now. Peter sat in the back of his mind, trying not to think about the pain. He could feel it though - the sharp, stinging cuts left by the rings as Flash punched him in the face. Lucky for Peter, when Flash decided it was time to give him a black eye, he used the left hand so he wouldn't disable Peter's vision forever. Peter already had glasses, and only having one capable eye would kind of suck.

Suddenly, there was the sound of angry footfalls echoing in the alley. Flash let go of Peter's collar and he fell to the ground, groaning endlessly in pain.

"What are you doing here?" Flash spat at the mystery person.

"What are you doing? Beating up my best friend, by the looks of it. Do I have to teach you another lesson, Thompson?" Peter smiled, which was slightly difficult with his split lip.

"Wade, I'm fine," he croaked. Suddenly aware of just how dry his throat was, he added, "Need water though."

"You're bleeding, Pete! You're not okay!" Wade argued. Peter could tell by the sounds that Flash was trying to sneak away, but Wade wasn't fooled easily. Peter heard Wade grab Flash and slam him against the wall and whisper something that sounded extremely threatening to him.

"Fine, I'll stop, just get off me!" Flash pleaded, voice shaky. Peter scoffed mentally, slightly proud of his best friend. Wade said one more thing that Pete couldn't make out before letting Flash go. The blond ran off, scraed for his life, and Wade ran to Peter's side.

"Hey, you okay buddy?" he asked softly, helping Peter into a sitting position.

"How do I look? Bad?"

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