29: Happy Christmas? PART 1

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December 23

"Nobody even says 'Happy Christmas', though!" Wade argued, turning slightly to look at Peter.

"Harry Potter did once, and so did Ron Weasley," Peter argued back, silencing Wade for a moment. They were on the roof of a building by the harbor, sitting hand in hand while wrapped up in warm clothes as the snow fell softly around them. It had been two months since Harry returned and Peter had been spending lots of time with his childhood best friend, and Wade had felt kind of excluded, so he forced Peter to hang out with him for a full day before Christmas.

"Okay, yeah, but besides Harry Potter, who do you know that has said 'Happy Christmas'?" Peter thought for a moment and shrugged, surrenduring. "Exactly!"

"Why are we even arguing about this?" he questioned, leaning his head on Wade's shoulder. Wade sighed and turned his head, pressing a kiss to Peter's forehead.

"I honestly have no clue. We're insane, Spidey." That was Wade's new nickname for his now official boyfriend. Peter had told Wade about his ability to stick to walls and Wade tried to convince him to 'fight the dirty scumbag criminals of New York', as he had put it. Peter refused, obviously. That is until he realized he had another power.

Peter was messing around with some stuff in the training gym and dropped the staff he was using, resulting in two of his fingers, the ring finger and the middle finger, to slip and press against the palm of his hand. A stream of silky white thread shot out of his wrist and he squeaked in terror, jumping back. After closer examination he saw that it was in fact spider webs that shot out of his wrist.

He obviously could no longer refuse Wade's suggestion and made himself a suit. Peter Parker was now Spider-Man, and nobody but Wade Wilson knew it.

Spider-Man started small, sticking to smaller streets and stopping common crimials; shoplifters, purse-snatchers, and the occasional pickpockets. He liked to tangle them in webs and drop them by the police station with an anonymous note. Spider-Man became more and more popular and he moved onto bigger things, once even stopping a major bank robbery. After just over a month-and-a-half, Spider-Man was one of New York City's beloved, besides the Avengers of course.

He managed to balance crime-fighting with school and homework, all while keeping it from his parents. Peter Parker sure was becoming even more of a wonder-kid than before, and none of his family even knew about it!

"You know I hate that nickname," Peter said, referring to 'Spidey'.

"You know I don't care because it's cute," Wade retorted, mocking Peter's voice.

"Weirdo." It was quiet for a moment and the two teenagers sat together in silence, holding hands and watching the snow fall down onto the city. "Wade, what are you doing for Christmas?" Wade shrugged.

"I was thinking of watching Christmas movies on my couch all night and dressing up as Santa Clause for the Smiths down the hall from me. They have a six-year-old, Amy, and as you know, she is such a firm believer in Santa, so John wants me to dress up and put their stuff under the tree." Peter smiled.

"You are such a good person." Wade cringed internally. 'If only you knew,' he thought.

"Thanks babe. What are you doing for Christmas?" he asked, bumping Peter with his shoulder.

"I'm going to be with my family. Uncle Bucky really loves Christmas and Dad stole his arm the other day and tricked it out with Christmas lights. It's pretty funny. Dad's been hyped about Christmas and everyone's things are going missing, only to turn up the next day, totally Christmas-ified. The only one he hasn't gotten yet is auntie Tash, and I doubt she'll let him."

"Sounds great."


"We need to do something for Christmas." Peter turned toward Wade and smiled, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"I was thinking an ABC Family Harry Potter marathon this weekend and hot chocolate and cookies? Plus, I got you a present." Peter's eyes lit up.

"You did?"


"What is it?" Wade laughed.

"You know I can't tell you. That's the whole thing about Christmas." Wade leaned forward and pressed his lips to Peter's. "Did you get me anything?"

"Maybe," Peter teased, kissing him back. Wade smiled and pulled back, opting instead to wrap his arm around Peter's shoulder and hold him close.

"You're the best," he whispered, kissing the side of Peter's head.

"You're the greatest boyfriend I've ever had," Peter replied, leaning into Wade and grinning.

"I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had."


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