21: Ms. Gwen Stacey

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Peter tugged on the collar of his blue shirt and turned to Bear, consulting the dog once again as he looked in the mirror. "Are you sure I shouldn't wear the white one with the tie? I mean, yes, it's a little too fancy, but it'll look great." Bear didn't nswer, obviously, and Peter sighed and turned back to the mirror, shaking his head at himself. "I'm talking to a dog about fashion choices."

"The dog has a good sense of fashion," Wade's voice called from the doorway. Peter turned to his best friend, face scrunching up in confusion.

"Why are you here?"

"You can't drive yet, right? Well, it'd be pretty embarrassing to be dropped off at your first date by your dad."


"Because your dad would say something to embarrass you. Luckily, I'm here to save you, being the cool friend who can drive," he said proudly.

"I was planning on walking, but thanks. Now I don't have to!"


"How did you even get here so fast?" asked Peter, sitting on his bed. Bear moved closer to him and lifted his head, putting it in Peter's lap. Peter rubbed Bear's head as he pulled on his shoes. "I called you complaining like five minutes ago."


"You live twenty minutes away."

"There's this magical thing called driving," joked Wade, coming inside the room and sitting in Peter's chair.

"This is New York," Peter argued, finishing up the laces of his left shoe. He moved on to the right one.

"The cops are my best friends?" Wade tried. Peter scoffed.

"You've been picked up from the station like six times in the last two years."

"And it's still not my fault Flash decided to rat me out."

"You broke his nose."

"He was being a dick!"

"True." Peter finished tying his shoe and rolled his dog over to rub his little pink belly. Bear thumped his tail against the bed and licked Peter's arm happily.

"Cute dog."

"Yeah. He's old though. Pops said if he gets sick again we'll probably have to put him down." Peter's voice got soft and quiet and Wade could tell it was a sore subject. Bear had been Peter's first birthday present and his best friend for his entire life. Peter loved that dog with his entire soul, and having to put him down would tear him apart - Wade could just tell it would.

Wade desperately thought of anything else to talk about and randomly blurted, "Are you doing the science fair this year?" Peter shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I don't think so, though." Wade's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.


"Yeah, I'm not sure if I should this year. I don't really have any ideas," he continued, shrugging again.

"Dude, you have to do science fair! It's your thing! You win every single year!"

"Well, yeah, but I can't win if I don't have any ideas." Wade thought for a second.

"You could build a robot dog," Wade suggested. Peter scoffed.

"I don't need a K-9, dude. I'm not that lonely. I'm even going on a date," he added happily.

"When do you need to go to that, by the way?" Peter checked his watch.

"I have to be at Central Park in 2 minutes," he said calmly. Then he realized what he said. "I HAVE TO BE IN CENTRAL PARK IN TWO MINUTES!" Wade's eyes widened and he groaned.

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