18: Ding-Date-Ditch

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Natasha checked herself over in the mirror one more time and smiled proudly. She left the bathroom and met Wanda in the hallway. They both looked amazing and the boys complimented them when they met up with them in the main room.

"Wow Tash, who knew you could look nice in such simple clothing?" Clint joked, hugging her. She rolled her eyes but smiled and pecked his cheek. She had on black skinny jeans and black flats along with a blue floral top and her hair was parted on the left, making one big beautiful wave of red on the right. Wanda wore a gray top with jean shorts and a floral shawl, plus adorable little black boots.

Pietro grinned at his little sister. "You look great, Wanda," he said happily. Then he turned to Clint and asked, "So we're meeting the girls there, right?"

"Yes we are, little man. The ladies will meet us down at Reggie's, right girls?"

"That's the plan," Natasha anwered, sending Wanda a side smile.

"Alright then. We'll see you two later," Clint said, pointing to the girls. He clapped Pietro on the shoulder and exclaimed, "Let's go get the cool car, Piet. Tony only lets me have it when he's not here!"

"You're never allowed to use the Bullet!" Natasha called after then, chuckling. Clint laughed.

"I know!"


"This car, Pietro, is the Silver Bullet. Well, that's what me and Tash call is, anyway. This is one of Tony's favorite, and he never lets me drive any of them," Clint rambled, running his hands over the sleek silver convertable.

"Then why are we using it if you're not allowed?" Pietro quesioned.

"Because Tony's not here right now."

"I thought he was talking to Logan and Banner?"

"Well yeah, but he's not here here, so he can't yell at me. Now let's go before he comes down here. Go grab those keys over there please, they're the bright orange ones." Clint pointed to a big tray of car keys and Pietro nodded. He ran over, grabbed the keys, and was back in under a second.

"Here." He gave Clint the ugly orange keys and hopped over the door into the passenger seat. Clint jumped behind the steering wheel and carefully put the keys in the ignition and turning them. The car roared to life, the engine humming. Clint grinned and reached out to pat the dashboard getting a weird look from Pietro.

"Hey, this is my favorite car ever, give me a break."

"I didn't say anything," Pietro defended, putting his hands up.

"Yeah, well, you were thinking it," Clint retaliated, pushing down on the gas pedal. He drove them slowly to the entrance of the garage and then looked over at Pietro with a grin. "Want to know why this car is my favorite?"


"Watch this." Clint reached over Pietro's legs and opened the glove box. Inside was a little pocket full of papers, and a big red button. "Hit that button."

"What will it do?" Pietro asked wearily.

"Trust me."

"Okay, fine." Pietro's hand neared the button and he stared at it wearily, but slowly pressed it nonetheless. For a second, nothing happened and he scoffed. "That didn't even wo-" He cut himself off with a shriek. The car lurched forward and up - literally. Pietro controlled himself and clutched onto the seat in terror, peering over the edge of the car door. They were a good five feet above the street, at least. The tires had turned sideways so they were flat, the rims facing the ground.

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