28: Yeah, I'm Alive

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After school that day, Harry decided to join Peter and Wade and catch up on life. They went to Wade's apartment where they could have some peace and quiet and spent the entire afternoon on the couch, eating pop-tarts and chimichangas while they talked with one of the old Batman movies playing in the background.

"So Harry, what the fuck man?" Wade began when they arrived inside the Mexican-food smelling apartment.

"What'd you mean?" Harry asked, accepting the pop-tart Peter handed him. He popped it in the toaster and hopped up onto the counter to sit on it.

"You've only been gone for like six years," Peter commented sarcastically, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed.

"Oh right, that."

"'Oh right, that'," Wade repeated mockingly. He put a chimichanga in the microwave and pulled a chair from the table, sitting on it backwards.

"Yeah, I'm alive," Harry began. Peter chuckled.

"No shit."

"Shush it, Parker. Now, as I was saying..." Harry began to explain. His father had gotten severely sick and needed to go to a special hospital in a location he would not disclose. They had to say there for quite a while while Harry's dad tried to get better, which did not actually happen, even after nearly two years. The doctor allowed them back home and Harry had to be homeschooled for another year so he could take care of his father. Harry admitted that his father's condition was worsening through time.

"So, you're gonna miss him, huh?" Wade asked sullenly, finishing his chimichanga. Harry scoffed, nearly choking on the last of his pop-tart.

"No! I mean, yeah, because he's my father, but I'm not going to miss him that much. You do realize how father is, correct?"

"Yeah, but you still won't miss him?" Peter questioned. He had also taken a seat and now propped his feet un in Wade's lap.

"I already told you, I will miss him. But father was never home and all he's been doing since I was born was try to persuade me to go into the family business."

"Wait, aren't you already working at Oscorp?" Wade asked, resting his head on his hands, propped up by his elbows on Peter's legs.

"Since he's dying, yes. They are an interesting company and I don't mind, but I'd rather be doing something else." Harry paused for a moment and glanced between his two best friends. "You guys are together, right?"

Peter went bright red and Wade went into a coughing fit. Harry chuckled and awaited an answer. "Um, kind of?" Peter squeaked loudly. Harry rolled his eyes.

"This isn't a 'kind of' type of question Parker. Have you made out and talked about your feelings?"

"Yeah, for sure," Wade confirmed with a big grin on his face. Peter hit him in the arm.

"Shut it!" he hissed, face reddening even more, if that was even possible. He turned to Harry and smiled sheepishly. "Um, yeah, we are sort of together now."

"Alright. Sounds great. Hey, are those uncles of yours together yet?" Harry questioned. Peter chuckled, knowing exactly who he was talking about.

"Yeah, they are. Clint and Pietro, right?" asked Peter, just to be sure. Harry nodded. "Yeah, they are."

"Good. I've been waiting for that ship to sail." Harry thought for a second before asking, "Anything else noteworthy enough to tell me?"

"Um, not really," Peter answered slowly, trying to think about anything that could be that important.

"Alright." Harry checked his watch and groaned. "I'm so sorry, but I have to go. Father needs his medication every hour, on the hour." Peter looked over a the clock on the microwave and sighed. It was almost 3:00 and that meant Harry had to leave, apparently. Wade nudged his leg and Peter glanced at him. Wade's eyes told him what he wanted to say and Peter shook his head.

"Why not? He can stay longer and get home faster," Wade asked, keeping his voice low.

"Bad idea, Wade," Peter whispered back.

"What's a bad idea?" Harry asked curiously. Peter smiled awkwardly and turned away from Wade.

"Nothing. Wade is just bad at all ideas in general," he said casually. Wade flicked him in the head.

"Am not."

"Are too," Peter argued.

"Both of you are horrible, now shut up and drive me home," Harry demanded, slipping on his nice black Oxfords.

"Still fancy, man," Wade commented.

"I'm taking that as a compliment," Harry told him. "Can you drive?"

"I can drive better than him," Peter insisted.

"But you can't drive legally," Wade reasoned. "Oooh, bam. Got'cha." Peter smiled slightly and rolled his eyes, standing up and putting his shoes on.

"Not yet."

"So, Peter, Wade, how many of your birthdays have I missed?" Harry inquired, grabbing his messenger bag from where he left it on the couch. Wade shrugged and zipped up his grey jacket.

"I don't know. Ask Pete, he's the math guy. I think it's six total, though. You owe us. I would like a pony, a cat, a dog, a new tv, a knife," Wade joked, listing things. Harry chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not getting you a new TV, Wilson."

"Out of all the things on my fake list, that's what you object to?" Wade questioned as they walked out of his apartment and started down the stairs to the street. Harry shrugged.

"Peter, I'm going to stay over at your house Friday night. Is that okay?" the dark haired boy asked suddenly, turning to his best friend.

"Um, yeah? Clint and Pietro are going out and Dad and Pops will be out with Wanda and Vision on mission, so it'l be us, Nat, Bucky,  and Bruce. Is that okay?" Harry nodded. "Okay, then yes. You can stay over."

"Wow, no invite? How rude," Wade joked, putting a hand over his heart to feign hurt. Peter rolled his eyes and nudged Wade toward the car. They all got in, Peter and Wade in the front with Harry in the back. They drove in silence, unless you count Wade singing part of "Somebody That I Used To Know" when someone drove past to get ahead of him, cutting him off.

When they pulled up in front of the Osborn Mansion, Harry stopped before he got out of the car and looked to the two in the front seat. "I'm not leaving until I see you two kiss each other," he decided, settling back in the seat. Peter's face blazed bright red and Wade chuckled for a while.

"Really?" Peter squeaked, looking back at him. "Really?"

"Yep. Not leaving until you face-battle your little boyfriend here." Neither Peter or Wade moved. "Get to it!" Harry demaded, clapping twice as if to say 'chop chop'.

Wade made the first move. He turned to look at Peter, grabbed his face, and pulled him closer, pressing their lips together. Harry cheered and laughed and clapped while Peter's face amped up the red color, turning it a bright, bright cherry tomato red. Harry finally had enough and told them they could stop through wheezed breaths between laughs.

"Alright, alright, you can stop it," he chuckled, wiping his eyes. "I'm leaving. See you at school, right boys?" Peter and Wade separtated, big grins on both their faces. Wade nodded and thanked Harry for coming back. Peter got out of the car to give him one last hug before Harry left the sidewalk and went up the stairs to the huge house.

"I'm taking you home, right?" Wade asked Peter as they pulled away from the curb. Peter shrugged.

"I was actually thinking we could go back to your place and do homework. I can show you my cool powers that I was talking about earlier, as well." Wade nodded.

"Sounds good." After a moment he added, "And we can make out?" Peter laughed and put his hand over Wade's, which was resting on Peter's knee.

"And then we can make out," he agreed.


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