27: Harry?

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up, kid," a loud voice yelled, interrupting Peter's dream.

"What do you want, Clint?" asked Peter tiredly, not even caring to properly address his uncle as 'uncle Clint' like normal.

"You have school in like twenty minutes. I made you one of those breakfast shakes and a bagel for the way. If you leave now you can probably get there on time."

"I'm lovin' the sound of that probably," Peter joked, rolling out of bed. Clint laughed and flipped the light on, blinding the brunet. "You can leave now. I'll be ready in a minute." Clint left the room and closed the door. Peter grabbed his phone off the dresser and dialed a number, putting it on speaker while he changed into his clothes.

"Pizza Hut, how may I help you?" a voice answered. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Hey Wade. I was wondering if you could come get me for school? It starts in like twenty minutes and if I'm late one more time, Jameson will have my ass."

"Yeah, no problem. Give me five minutes." Peter heard the tiredness in Wade's voice and smiled.

"You just woke up, didn't you Wade?"

"Yes. Give me five minutes."

"Okay. See you then." Wade breathed in sharply and growled slightly through the phone.

"Don't say that to me," he hissed lowly. The line went dead and Peter rolled his eyes. He had on his black jeans and his white undershirt and decided on looking nice today. He grabbed his nice white button down and pulled it on, then put on his red tie.

With his tanish-green jacket finally on and his Converse shoes laced up, he grabbed his bag and ran down to the kitchen. Tony was sitting at the table sipping coffee with his bathrobe on and his tablet in his hand. He peered up at his son through his glasses and smiled.

"Hey Pete. A little late, huh?"

"Yeah, but Wade's coming to get me so you don't have to drive me. Do we have any of those breakfast shake things?" he asked, rummaging through the cupboards.

"Second cupboard to your left, top shelf on the right," Tony directed without even having to look up. He knew exactly where they were because Steve always drank them.

"Thanks." Peter grabbed a to-go coffee cup and poured some milk in it before tearing open the packet and dumping the chocolate-flavored breakfast shake mix into it. He screwed the lid on and made sure it was fully closed before shaking it up.

"Good morning," Steve yawned, walking into the kitchen. It was apparent he had just been in the gym. His breathing was labored and his hairline was shining with the sweat that was also seeping through his tanktop. He stopped on his way over to the fridge to lean down and press a kiss to Tony's forehead.

"Hey babe," Tony greeted, smiling.

"Peter, can you grab me one of those?" the blond asked his son, referring to the breakfast shake packet. Peter nodded and grabbed one, tossing it to his dad. "You need a ride?"

"Nope. Wade's getting him," answered Tony for Peter, smirking up at his son when Peter gave him a fake glare.

"So, are you two dating or...? What's going on with you two?" asked Steve.

"I honestly don't know. I'll talk to him today. Can we just leave it alone?" Peter snapped. He sighed. "Sorry, I just don't really know."

"It's fine, Pete. I hope you and him get together. Now get out of here before you're late for school; you have five minutes," Tony informed him, checking the time on his tablet. Peter's eyes widened and he grabbed the to-go cup before giving Steve a quick side-hug and rushing to get out of the kitchen. He leaned down for a quick hug from Tony as he ran and then bolted for the elevator. Once he got inside he called Wade.

"Are you coming or what?" he breathed insatntly, slightly irritated. "You said five minutes!"

"And it has been. Where are you?" came Wade's voice through the device.

"Elevator." The call ended and a second later Peter felt arms wrap around his middle.

"Hi," Wade whispered, lips right behind Peter's ear. Peter jumped forward, turned around and jokingly punching Wade in the chest.

"Don't do that, you weirdo. Let's go." Peter stepped toward him and pulled Wade into a hug. A second later they were at school.


[Lunch Time]

Wade and Peter were outside, sitting on the little bench and chatting. Wade refused to talk about what his boss wanted the day before and Peter finally let it go. Temporarily, at least.

They talked about Wade's life and Peter found out a little bit about mutant school and how Wade found out he had powers. That was when Peter decided to reveal his own.

"Um, Wade, don't think I'm crazy or that I want to be like you, but I kind of have powers too," he said quietly, leaning toward his friend. He was interrupted by a yell of "Hey, fag!" from across the basketball court. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the douche. He still had a small bruise on his stomach from when Flash punching him with his rings on and the bruise suddenly ached, as though Peter's body was remembering the pain from just a few days previous.

"Wait, powers? What the fuck are you talking about Pete?" Wade asked in concern, leaning closer and talking quietly so their conversation would not be overheard by anyone. Peter could tell Wade was also trying to ignore Flash's yell.

"Yeah, it's weird. I can like, stick to walls. I have to show yo-," Peter insisted, cutting himself off by going silent. Wade wasn't even confused about it. Peter's face twisted from his casual "chat face" to his irritated-with-that-motherfucking-Flash face. His look was set in stone as he turned toward Flash, eyes narrowed in an angry glare.

"Can I help you?" he asked sarcatically, pursing his lips slightly. Flash was standing in front of the bench with his arms crossed and his chest puffed out like he was trying to impress someone.

"I don't know, Parker, can you?" Flash sneered. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Can you please leave? I'm trying to have a conversation with my friend here." Flash ignored him and kept talking.

"How are those scars I gave you? Heal well? I guess the pain doesn't really bother you though. You're just training for all that burning you'll be doing in hell."

"Hey buddy, why don't you just knock it off, alright?" voice came from behind Flash. Flash spun around asking, "Who do you think you are?" and froze the second he stopped talking.

"Yeah, hi. That's my best friend over there, and I would appreciate it if you would shut up and fuck off," the man said simply. Flash's eyes widened and he nodded, staring at the ground as he scampered off. Peter stared at the random guy with a giant grin on his face. He jumped off the bench and ran over to him, enveloping him in a huge hug.

"You're back?" he asked.

"Yep," the boy said with a nod. Peter let out a shaky breath and stepped back, grinning.

"Harry?" Harry grinned.

"You know it, kiddo. I'm back." He looked down at his black suit and laughed. "Back in black, that is."

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