13: Whoa

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Peter and Harry sat outside after school, waiting for Peter's uncle. A sleek black car pulled up and the door opened, a man with equally sleek black hair and a suit and tie getting out. Harry turned to Peter and sighed.

"That's my ride. I'll ask him if I can go to your house though."

"Is that your dad?" Peter questioned. Harry shook his head.

"That's Charlie, my dad's butler. My dad created Oscorp," Harry explained.

"Oh. I guess we both have famous parents then," Peter said with a laugh. Harry nodded.

"Be right back." He walked over to the black-haired man and asked him a question. The man nodded and waited by the car. Harry ran back over to Peter and hopped back onto the bench next to him.

"So what's up?"

"Charlie said Father would be fine with me going to your house. He'll wait until your uncle gets here though, just in case I can't come." Peter nodded.

"Okay." They sat on the bench for a few more minutes before a black buggy with flames painted on the side rolled up. Peter rolled his eyes but grinned when he saw two men step out of the car. Steve waved and Bucky lifted his left hand in a sort of tiny wave.

"That's your uncle's car?" Harry asked, mouth agape.

"No, that's one of my dad's cars. My papa probably let Uncle Bucky use it though. C'mon, let's go see if you can come over." They made their way over to the car, past the people who were staring. As Peter asked Steve if Harry could possibly come over, a small crowd gathered around Bucky.

"Go bother him, he's Captain America," Bucky grumbled, shooing the kids away. None of them listened though.

"Can I touch it?" one kid yelled.

"No, you can't touch it."

"Why not? It's so cool!" another kid sqealed.

Bucky looked at Steve and growled, "This is why I don't go in public, Steven."

"You were the one who said you would pick Peter up," Steve said with a shrug of his shoulders. He looked down at the two boys and nodded. "Yes Harry, you can come over. Do you want to call your dad or something?"

"No, it's okay Mr. Rogers. I just have to go tell Charlie. I'll be right back. Thank you," Harry added before running off to tell Charlie he was allowed.

"Seriously kids, scram," Bucky told the kids again. They still refused to leave him alone. "Bother him! He's Captain America for cryin' out loud!"

"But you're the one with the wicked metal arm!" a boy yelled from the back of the group.

"Children!" a voice scolded from the door to the school. It was the Mrs. Dover, the principal. "Leave them alone." The kids all muttered something and walked away from Bucky, returning to their games of hopscotch or jumprope while they waited to be picked up. Harry came back and grinned.

"Okay, I'm ready." He and Peter climbed into the tiny backseat of the Hot Rod and Bucky clambered into the passenger seat, shoving Steve with his metal arm.

"Ow, Buck!"

"Oops, my bad," Bucky said flatly. He reached up and flicked Steve with his flesh hand, getting a whack to the back of the head in return.

"That's not fair, you've got super stength," Bucky mumbled as Steve started the engine.

Steve smirked and replied with, "You've got a metal arm, Barnes. Which one of us is worse?" They shot off down the street.

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