16: He'll Be Fine

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"Hey auntie Nat, what's up with uncle Clint and Pietro?" Peter asked bluntly, sliding onto a stool. Natasha grinned.

"I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Ya know kid, I'm not quite sure. I do know one thing though. Pietro likes him. I think he has since Clint helped out Wanda, you know the story," she added with a wave of her hand. Peter nodded. "You know what I think? I think we need to do some investigating."

"Ooooh. What kind of investegating? Can I break stuff?"

"No breaking. Just sneaking. I'm thinking I break into Clint's room and you sneak into Pietro's so we can check out their stuff." Peter shrugged.

"Alright. Shouldn't we ask Wanda about this though, since she can sort of read minds?"


"Just think something really loudly and she'll come over and tell you to shut up. She does it all the time when uncle Clint screams internally," Peter said with a chuckle. Natasha nodded and went silent, eyes focused on the wall as she thought. A minute later, Wanda rounded the corner with an interested look on her face.

"The answer is yes, to both of those questions, by the way," was the first thing she said. Peter stared at his aunts in confusion.

"What questions?"

"The ones both of you are thinking right now." Peter tried to think about what he was thinking about but he was so focused on thinking about what he was thinking about that he forgot what had had been thinking about. Wanda turned to him, eyes wide.

"Your mind is going crazy!" she exclaimed. "Calm yourself down. You will remember what you were thinking eventually. I'm going to go back and help Bruce."

"Thanks for the help, Wanda," Natasha said politely. "Sorry for bothering you with my intense shouting." Wanda shrugged.

"It is fine. Next time, just try to reduce the cursing please." Natasha smiled awkwardly and nodded. Wanda smiled back and waved curtly before leaving the room. Natasha and Pete smiled at each other.

"You know what this means?" Nat asked.


"Your uncles are hella gay for each other," she said simply.

"Knew it!"

"I've kinda thought about it since Laura and Clint split and now that I know for sure, that might have been part of it."

"What do you mean?" Peter asked his aunt, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, Laura's a smart person. She's seen Clint and Pietro interact in person and I'm fairly certain part of the reason they don't have that spark anymore is because of Pietro. You weren't there when Pietro died, but Clint was totally broken up about it. He never cried, but he would always sit away from everybody, staying really quiet - quieter than usual - and blamed himself for it. I guess Clint thought Pietro was his resopnsiblilty," she finished with a shurg.

"And now that he's alive, they're really close and turns out they like each other?" Peter clarified. Natasha nodded.

"Seems like it."

"So what are we gonna do?"

"We, little man, are going to get those two idiots together."


"Hey Clint, why don't we go to dinner tonight?" Natasha suggested. Clint shrugged from his perch - he was balanced on top of the fridge, watching Natasha while she poured herself a glass of orange juice. "Verbal reply?"

"Yeah, sure. Where?"

"I was thinking Reggie's, you know that Italian place down the street?" After a second she added, "Why don't we bring the twins? I don't think they've ever been."

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