30: Happy Christmas? PART 2

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December 24
Christmas Eve

Peter was sat on the couch with his dog in his lap and his head on his aunt's shoulder. On the other side of Natasha was Clint and next to Clint was Pietro, and then Wanda. They were all leaning on each other, basking in the lovely feeling of the Christmasy atmosphere. The light from the fireplace Tony had installed filled the room with a warm golden glow which melted beautifully with the multi-colored Christmas lights strung around the place. Ever single person in the room had a Santa hat on and a mug of hot chocolate in their hand.

Steve was on the smaller couch with Tony in his lap and Bucky sitting next to them. Thor was in the leather chair and Bruce was stretched out across another couch. Vision was seated at the end of Bruce's couch and he was the only one without a mug, as he had no need for food or drink, for he was an android.

They had all exchanged their Christmas Eve gifts, which had become a tradition in the Tower. Every year they each bought one small gift, all of which were later wrapped exactly the same. On Christmas Eve, the gifts would be jumbled together and each person would choose one at random. If you didn't like the gift you recieved, you were allowed to trade. But you were only allowed to trade three times.

This year, Peter got a small stuffed bear wearing a small mask, covering just around the eyes. Bucky got a football, Natasha got a blow-up bat, Clint got a stuffed squirrel, and Pietro got a tiny game of travel Yahtzee. Wanda got a set of Star Wars Legos, Bruce got a light-up bouncy ball, Thor got a pair of socks, Steve got a set of headphones, Tony got a small notebook, and Vision received a vanilla-scented candle. Everyone was content with what they had received so they kept their gifts and continued on with the night.

Bucky got off the couch and turned on the radio, humming along to the Christmas song that played and swaying as he went back to his seat. Before he could reach the couch, Natasha stood up and walked over to him, grabbed his hands, and started to dance with him. Clint grabbed Pietro and pulled him up to dance as well. Steve started to sing, his voice deep and calming.

"Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on our troubles will be out of sight,

"Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on our troubles will be miles away."

Peter got up and danced with Wanda, spinning in slow circles as both of them laughed quietly.

"Here we are as in olden days
Having golden days of yours
Loving friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more."

Thor and Bruce walked over to join the dancing people and the pairs alternated. Bucky was stuck dancing with Clint, Pietro with Peter, Wanda with Bruce, and Thor with Natasha.

"Through the years we all will be together
If the faits allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bow."

Steve pulled his husband off the couch and they stood chest-to-chest, dancing in slow circles while Steve continued to sing.

"And have yourself a merry little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas now."

A small round of clapping went around the room and Steve gave a short bow.

"Again, again," Tony laughed, pulling Steve down by the neck to kiss him. And so Steve began to sing again, this time along with Last Christmas which played through the radio. Vision joined the group of dancing people which ended up in a lot of extra laughs.

The residents of the Avengers Tower sang and danced and drank hot chocolate and ate candy canes well into the night. It was all wrapped up by piling mugs into the sink and throwing out wrappers and turning the radio down to listen intently to Clint's annual dramatic reading of The Night Before Christmas.

At exactly 11:55 PM, Peter was in his pajamas and climbing into bed. Two minutes later, at 11:57 PM, the lights in his room turned on. Wade stood against the door, grinning. Peter smiled and jumped out of bed, running right into his boyfriend's arms for a hug. Wade was dressed as Santa Clause which made Peter laugh quietly.

"Look up," Wade whispered, pointing to the ceiling. Peter did so and flushed pink. Taped to the ceiling above his head was a small sprig of mistletoe.

"Really?" he questioned, leaning in anyways.

"Christmas rules and regulations," Wade reasoned with a shrug, snaking his arms around Peters waist.

"If you wanted a kiss, you could've just asked," Peter informed him with a light chuckle. Wade grinned and shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for the sappy romantic stuff." Peter rolled his eyes and grabbed Wade's head.

"Shut up and kiss me, you idiot." Wade obliged gladly and leaned in, meeting Peter's lips at exactly 12:00; the beginning of Christmas day.

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