11: Birthday Time!

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"Tony, Tony, wake up Tony," a loud voice yelled excitedly, shaking the sleeping brunet. Tony groaned.


"Yes," the voice demanded.

"Leave me alone."



"Wake up, Tony."

"No." The person sighed and Tony felt the bed shift under their weight as they moved to lay next to him. He then realized it was Steve and rolled to the side to curl up next to him.

"You need to get up and help me out, babe."

"With what?"

"You do know what today is, right?" It took Tony a second before he remembered his son's birthday.

"Yeah. Where is the kid?"

"In the living room playing with Natasha. So are you gonna get up or what?" Tony snuggled his head into Steve's chest and smiled.

"I'm good." Steve put an arm around his husband, acting as though he were going to snuggle with him, but instead sat up and pulled Tony out of bed.

"STEVE!" Tony screeched, clawing at the blonds arm. He got a grip and held himself up, breathing heavily. "Not cool, you bastard."

"You're up! Let's get this party started!" Steve yelled happily, picking his husband up bridal style and running through the halls.

"STEVEN GRANT ROGERS PUT ME DOWN!" Tony yelled, laughing despite his tiredness. Natasha chuckled as they ran into the room, holding Peter's hands and walking him towards the two.

"Hey buddy, come to daddy!" Tony said happily, holding his arms out. Peter let go of Natasha and ran straight into him, giggling.


"Hey Pete. Guess what kiddo, you're actually a year old now!" Tony exclaimed, lifting Peter up and setting him on his shoulders.

"Papa!" Peter called, making a grabby motion with his hands. Steve lifted Peter off his husbands shoulders and held him, dancing in circles.

"You guys are seriously adorable," Natasha commented, smiling slightly. Tony grinned.

"I know."

"Clint's almost done decorating the cake and the other people are mostly still asleep. When are you going to get the dog?" she questioned, lying down and taking up all of the couch space.

"Later," Steve answered, twirling around, making Peter giggle. "So Clint's going home tomorrow?"

"Yep. Pietro seems a little upset by it though. D'you know why?" Natasha asked. Tony shrugged.

"Bird's sorta like his mentor and his best friend. I'd be sad too."

"Yeah, but it seems like more than that," she continued. "I think he likes him."

"Everybody likes Clint," Steve stated.

"You know what I mean, Blondie. I think he's in love. He follows Clint around like a lovesick puppy."

"Yeah, that's true," Tony added.

"Well, there's really nothing we can do about it. Clint's married and he has kids, Pietro can't just ask him out. I wouldn't want him to get hurt like that," said Steve.

"We could at least help him get over it," Nat suggested. Tony nodded.

"Yeah, that's actually a pretty good idea."

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