Chapter II.

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Later That Day.
Stark Tower.

I rubbed my eyes as I slowly came to. I was greeted by a friendly face. He was hot. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, adorable smile.

"Good morning, ma'am." He put his hand out, and I kindly shooke it. "My name is Steve Rogers, but please. Call me Captain."

"I'm Kirsten. It's nice to meet you, Captain." He smiled at my words, and I went to the bathroom. "You must be the newbie, Kirsten right? I'm Dr. Bruce Banner."

I stopped, and looked over my shoulder to see a rather short man, barely 6'0"—if even that tall. "Yes, its nice to meet you, Doctor." I spoke in my somewhat groggy morning voice.

"The pleasure is all mine." He smiled, now going about his business. I took a quick shower, changing into some dark blue skinny jeans, black boots, and a black tank top.

I noticed how hungry I was, so after 'scavengering' through the tower, I found the kitchen. "What a wonderful way to formally meet you, Kirsten."

I turned around to see a fine man, his brown beard was what stood out most for me. "You must be the infamous Tony Stark? Am I right?"

I closed the fridge, setting the frying pan on the stove. "That is me. It's nice to meet you." We shook hands, but not until after I cracked an egg in the pan.

Tony took a seat at the island, and I continued making my breakfast which consisted of pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon.

"What is that smell, Tony? I know you're not cooking anything on the stove." A woman with short, red hair walked in.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." He replied, not taking the joke. "Oh, we have a newbie? I'm Natasha."

I sighed happily. "I was around so much testosterone, its so great to see I'm not alone," I joked, and she laughed. "I'm Kirsten." I picked up my fork, beginning to eat.

This food was wonderful. "Kirsten, I see you've made yourself at home. No one has been blown up, set on fire, or thrown out a window. It's great to know you're getting along nicely."

Nick said, entering the room. "Yeah, she fits in just nice." Tony smiled, taking my fork from my hand and eating off my plate. I rolled my eyes, slapping his hand away.

"I haven't had food that good since mother's cooking." He looked off into the distance for the whole "memory reminiscing" effect.

"Whenever Thor gets here, we'll be wheels up." He turned around before anyone had the chance to speak. "Thor?" I asked as Natasha and Tony sat on the couch, allowing their attention to be consumed by the TV.

"What kind of name is that?" I thought aloud, putting my empty plate in the sink. "He's not.. From here." Tony kicked his feet up on the table.

I shrugged and decided not to talk about it anymore..

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