Chapter XXV.

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I held my heart as everyone stood around the room, smiles extremely wide. I teared up, smiling, too. They remembered.

With everything that had been going on, I didn't feel the need to tell them my birthday, being as that was the least important thing to me at the time.

What was up with him? I gave everyone hugs, and when I reached Tony, he was eating my cake.

"Tony, you were supposed to wait for Kirsten to get her piece first." Bruce seemed genuinely upset. "Bruce" and "upset" can't go in the same sentence unless "Hulk" is there, too.

"Bruce made the cake himself." Natasha explained. Well, that was sweet. "Bruce, you bake?" I questioned. He nodded, glaring at Tony.

"It's fine, Bruce. I'll just have the 2nd piece. Thank you." I smiled, hugging him. I didn't need him angry. He blushed lightly. "Well, I want cake, so..?"

I looked around at everyone who mumbled words of agreement. Thor took my hand, kissing it. I tried not to smile, but I couldn't help it.

"Happy birthday, my love." He whispered, pressing a firm kiss to my cheek. "Thank you so much, Thor.."


"Wow Tony, you got me a shot glass." I muttered, holding it up. It had the word "drinking" on it.

"I didn't just get you a shot glass. We have matching shot glasses!" He smiled, holding up his. Together, they both read "drinking buddies."

Only Tony.

"So, who conducted this wonderful party? This purple table clothe is to die for." I asked, feeling the soft material as I ran my fingers over it.

"It was all Steve's idea. He was the only who remembered." Nick answered, shamelessly. He didn't care whether he knew my birthday or not. That's just the kind of relationship we have.

"Well thank you, Steve. For being the only one who cared." I pinched his cheek lightly. His face turned a pink shade. It was too cute.

Moving onto the next present, it was a small bag from Steve. "I wonder what the captain has in store." I wiggled my eyebrows, and he gave a laugh.

I opened the bag to reveal a small box. What was it, Lord? I opened the box to see a diamond ring. My mouth dropped open.

The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. "Thank you, Steve. I love it!" I beamed anyway. I didn't need to make this any weirder than it already was.

"I knew you'd love it." He said, his lips pressed together. I tried it on every finger, but it only seemed to fit on one.

My ring finger..

It was now EXTREMELY awkward. I cleared my throat, reaching for the next present. As I did so, a loud bang erupted through the building, causing everyone to freeze.

"What was that?"

× chap dedication goes to Lslaughter, of course!

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