Chapter XLII.

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[Random story cover in the Media].

"Kirsten, its 10:58! You have to get up." Natasha blared, making me jump up immediately. "I thought I said wake me at 11?" I joked, sitting up.

I wasn't lying on Thor's lap anymore, rather some soft pillows from his room. "10:58 is close enough." Pepper spoke from the kitchen.

I got up, going to freshen up. As I brushed my teeth, my gums started to bleed. It hurt so bad. I winced quietly, finishing up anyway.

At The Doctor's Office.

I sat next to Thor in the waiting room, looking at a magazine. He was looking over my shoulder, his arm around my waist. A woman stepped out the back wearing blue scrubs.

"Mrs. Kirsten." She called, looking up from her clipboard. Thor, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Pepper, Nick, and Steve all stood up with me. The woman was taken aback.

She told us only a few of us could be back there, due to space. Everyone looked around at one another as if to say "Who's gonna stay?"

I rolled my eyes as Tony pushed by us into the back. Steve, Pepper, Natasha, and Bruce stayed in the waiting room. Nick, Thor, and I walked back to sit down.

Tony smiled at us from a chair in the corner of the pretty large office. "Okay, Mrs. Kirsten, first off, I'd like to congratulation you in your pregnancy. Who's the lucky guy?"

The doctor looked from me to Tony, and I almost threw up in my mouth. "This man right here." I said, hugging Thor while he smiled widely.

"Well, that's great. Have you been thinking of what you want it to be?" She asked, writing on her clipboard. "I want a boy, but it doesn't seem to matter to Thor." I giggled.

"As long as they're healthy, I get it." She spoke, hooking up the ultrasound machine. "Now let's get these ultrasounds done." She applied the gel to my now flat stomach.

She pointed out parts of the body, although they were a bit blurry. "It seems to me here that you two are expecting twins." Thor's face showed so much happiness.

"I can barely deal with one Thor, and now I possibly have to deal with 3?" Tony grunted playfully. "Very funny, Stark. Whenever you and Pepper decide to-" "Back to what you were saying, Doctor." Tony interrupted.

Thor and I tried to hold in our laughs, and the doctor even released a giggle. She went in to explain the vitamins I should be taking, and the amount of exercising I should do.

Before we left, I just had to ask: "What about my bloody gums? Is this normal?" She nodded, saying: "The hormonal changes that come with pregnancy cause extra blood flow to your gums and oral cavitiy. With all of that extra blood, your gums can swell and become more sensitive. That's why they bleed."

"Thank you so much, Doctor." I smiled, shaking her hand. So did Nick, Thor, and Tony. "You're welcome. We should have prenatal visits weeks 4 to 28: once a month. From weeks 28 to 36: 1 visit every 2 weeks, and from weeks 36 to 40: 1 visit every week."
"Well, we shall see you then." Thor spoke, deep voice rumbling throughout the place. I looked up at him while he spoke to the doctor. He was amazing, and he was all mine..

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