Chapter XXXIX.

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Before he pulled the lever, I heard a huge BANG! I opened my eyes to see only Tony and Thor.

"You know we couldn't show up without a nice entrance." Tony joked, signaling towards the hole in the wall.

Thor ignored his joke. "Loki, you let her go." Thor growled lowly.

"I am quite afraid I can not do that, brother." He spoke with a nonchalant attitude. Thor was steaming from the ears, and sent Mjölnir towards the machine.

As it burst into pieces, Loki glared. Taking his Sceptre out, Loki placed the sharp edge to my neck. "I rather her dead than you have her back." Loki hissed angrily.

"Take me, Loki. I am the one you want. Break my soul, beat me, hurt me, kill me, even. But for the love of all things, do not touch my Queen."

Thor cried out, falling to his knees. Loki stopped, looking from me to Thor. "You must really love her, brother."

Loki mumbled, and it seemed as though he was contemplating whether he should kill me or not. That didn't make me feel too good.

"Yes Loki, I do." Thor gave a small smile, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. "Can we stop with the love story?"

Tony remarked, reminding us that I was still strapped to this cold, metal table with Loki centimeters from killing me. Thank you, Tony.

"Well that is just too bad." Loki smirked. "Brother no! Take me.." Thor pleaded. "I would, but-" Before Loki finished his statement, Malekith gasped, drawing everyone's attention.

I stared at me with wide eyes. "I didn't see it before, Loki, but I see it now." He spoke not talking his eyes off me.

"See what?" Tony questioned, huffed. He was ready to get out of here, and so was I. "The girl. She is with child." He breathed, and Thor's eyes widened.

I didn't really want Thor to find out this way, but hey, what can you do? "Steve, now!" I heard Natasha yell from nowhere.

The room was immediately filled with smoke bombs, my vision going from about the normal 100% to a smooth -12%, real quick.

I was swept up off the table, and taken out the building. I was held close by Steve as he moved swiftly yet carefully.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" He asked, checking for anything wrong. "No, no. I'm fine." I assured him quietly. After a moment of silence, Steve spoke.

"Is what Malekith said true?" He asked, a tinge of sadness in his voice. "What?" I answered his question with a question.

"About you being.. Pregnant?" It seemed like he was almost afraid to say the word. "Yes Steve, its true." I told him. He stayed quiet, as though in deep thought.

"Let's get you back to the tower, okay?" He said, showing a small smile. He was fighting back a lot of emotions, I could tell. "Yeah.." I whispered.

This was awkward..

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