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"Together, we will fly to space; Devour the Sun and burst into cosmic waves. Hand in hand.. I'm in love.."


"Thor, I love you so much." I said quietly, tucking in our sleeping children. "I love you, more." He smiled softly. We were only in bed for about 2 hours before he got a call from Nick.

"Queen, you must stay here for now. It will only be a few hours." Thor tilted my face towards his. "What did I tell you about keeping your head up, darling?" He smirked, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"I will return before sunrise," He whispered. "If they awake before then, tell Aurora and Nova that I do love them." He took a deep breath, kissing my forehead and walking out the door..


"Kirsten, is that you?!" Natasha had tears streaming down her face as she hugged me tightly. "It's been so long, 'Tasha!" I haven't seen her since I moved to Asgard, which was nearly 10 years ago.

I was so happy to see her again. Seeing Aurora and Nova with their god father was the cutest thing. "Kirsten, did you get the cards we sent to your hotel?"

Steve asked excitedly. I replied with a giggle. "Of course I did. Tony, I loved your unlimited wine gift card, and Bruce, I loved your card about the wild flowers." I laughed just thinking about them.

"Aw, how'd you know that was mine?" He grunted like a kid. "Chrysanthemum was spelled wrong." I told him, and he nodded, understanding his mistake.

Bruce and I had previously spoken about the spelling of the flower, and he got it wrong every time. "You would think someone as smart as him would be able to spell a flower."

Tony spoke with a roll of his eyes. "What does that mean?" Bruce crossed his arms, looking at him with a glare. "I'm just saying. You'd think someone with more degrees than a thermometer could spell chrysanthemum."

Steve stiffled a laugh, as well as Natasha. "It's okay, Bruce." I comforted with a soft smile. As previously stated, we don't need him angry. "Girls, do you want to get something to eat?"

They were too busy playing with Nick that they didn't even hear me. If he's keeping them occupied, I'm fine with that. Thor and I definitely needed a break.

"Kirsten, Thor!" Pepper entered the kitchen, a bright smile on her face. My mouth flew open at her round stomach. "Whoa now, how long have I been gone?"

I exaggerated, placing my hands on her tummy. "I can finally say I was alive long enough to witness a Stark baby." I spoke with a giggle.

"Hopefully this Stark baby gets out of there soon. I want to meet him!" Pepper smiled anxiously. I sat at the table, and everyone else followed.

Aurora sat in my lap, resting her curly haired head on my chest tiredly. Nova did the same with Thor. I guess they had enough of playing.

"I remember when I was a kid like they are," Tony looked off into the distance for the whole 'memory reminiscing' effect. "I was so quiet, really-" "Yeah, when you weren't there." Steve butted in playfully.

I couldn't help but laugh, drinking some water. Tony and Steve exchanged their usual glares to each other. They loved each other, really.

"We have to do something tomorrow, Kirsten." Natasha spoke, kicking her feet up on the table. "Excuse me, Romanoff. That wood costs more than your existence. I'd appreciate if you not have your feet on it."

Tony seriously told her, and she rolled her eyes. "It'll be okay, Stark." She shrugged him off with a smile. He grunted something under his breath.

"I could go for a movie right now, anyone else?" Pepper suggested, and everyone said sure. They headed to the living room while Thor and I took Aurora and Nova to Tony's bedroom.

They slept so much these days. "I may take a nap, myself. I am very exhausted." Thor gave me a tired smile as he tucked them in. He was very tired, so I don't blame him.

"Alright, come on." I took his hand, leading him to the living room. Tony had a 75-80 inch TV, so it was like a movie theater. "Jarvis, the windows." Tony spoke, sitting next to Pepper. "Yes, Mr. Stark." He said, and the room was immediately darkened.

Thor and I took the loveseat to ourselves, him curling up in my arms. I kissed his forehead as he was already drifting off to sleep.

"Mommy and Daddy are tired and the movie hasn't even started yet." Bruce laughed, eating some popcorn. "Leave them alone. Parenting is a lot of work, from what I've heard."

He added, and I gave him a smile. "Thank you, Steve. And yes, it is." I confirmed with closed eyes, resting my head on Thor's. As I began to fall asleep, I could hear them debating what movie to watch.

"Let's watch the Titanic!" Natasha and Pepper yelled at the same time. "Nope, we're watching Ride Along." Steve, Nick, and Bruce agreed. I looked at a sleeping Thor, wondering how he could sleep through this. He could sleep through a volcanic eruption. "Nice try, but I think not. My tower, my rules. The Hangover it is!" Tony easily decided, and everyone groaned.

They were some amazing people. Annoying at times, and extremely hardheaded, by I wouldn't trade them for anything..

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