Chapter XL.

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Back at Stark Tower.
4 Hours Later.

I shivered from the cold, pulling the blanket tighter around my body. "Do you feel any better?" Pepper asked, and I shook my head.

I was hot and cold simultaneously. If this is what pregnancy was going to consist of, I don't want anymore of it.

"No, if anything, I feel way worse." I muttered. Thor and Nick were still gone, but Bruce and Tony were steady working in the lab.

Clint and Natasha were watching a movie on the couch, and Steve was exercising, I think. "Kirsten, my Queen." We heard Thor's voice rumble through the living room, frightening all of us.

He scooped my up into his arms, holding my body close to his cold armor. "May we have a minute alone?" Thor asked everyone, and he took me to the bedroom upstairs.

When we were alone in the room with the door closed, he sat his hammer down softly. I scurried out of his arms, the large blanket falling around my small figure.

I took a seat in the bed, facing him. "Was Malekith correct when he spoke of you being with child?" He sounded disappointed. I bit my lip, looking away.

When I didn't say anything, so he took that as a yes. "The timing is wrong.." He spoke quietly. "That does not mean I will love our angel any less."

I looked over at him, and he had a smile on his face. At least he was happy. "I love you, Queen. I'm willing to put everything on hold for the proper upbringing of our offspring."

There was definitely a ton of things we needed to sort out, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. "I need a bath." I mumbled jokingly.

"Here," Thor smirked. "Let me join you.."

𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃. - 𝐓. 𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now