[Chapter 17: Get Ready]

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"I have no idea why he talks to her in the first place. She's a complete dork."

My notebook slipped from my hand and landed on the floor. I quickly picked it up and a shoved it into my locker. I glanced to my right and noticed a few girls standing twenty lockers away from me. They snickered as I fumbled with my books.

I was not appalled by their insults. Instead, I was more astonished by the fact I was able to hear their whispering from so far away. I shut my locker and proceeded to walk to class.

This oversensitive hearing was yet another shocking discovery. Ever since I received the strange dream and memories regarding my inevitable connection to the alien agenda as the SOM5, I had begun to experience various changes within myself.

A few days earlier, I realised that my eyesight had improved tremendously. I never had to wear my reading glasses anymore. Not to mention, I was constantly getting vivid dreams and countless lucid ones as well.

I could not help but think it was yet another side effect of being an SOM5. I shuddered as I remembered my infant self undergoing various surgical procedures. What had they turned me into?

Shrugging my thoughts aside, I tried to focus on class.
"The coming holidays I guess," Lin suggested.

We were currently discussing our plans to infiltrate Area 51, through our new found secret passageway. As dangerous as it may sound, Lin confirmed that we could not get many secret agents to help us, therefore, we would have to carry out the infiltration ourselves.

I concluded that she was psycho.

"I'm still not on board with this plan. Lin! We are not spies!" I retorted.

"Well, what choice do we have? Do you want to solve your little mystery or not?" Lin fired back.

I grunted in frustration. "Fine..." I surrendered. I still could not wrap my mind around the whole thing.

"So you guys just tell your parents that you're joining a short camp. All the other details will be settled by the secret agents. If your parents visit school and ask the teachers, we got that covered as well.Then, just hop on my private jet, and we'll be on our way, " Lin explained paying attention to her phone while talking. She had everything planned out, which was relieving and unsettling, all the same.

"Wait, which agency is even helping you in all of this? Because for all I know, you are not allowed to get involved with any of your father's agencies," I asked.

She looked up from her phone,"It's one of the minor branches of a non-government agency my dad was working with. Let's just say I have my connections," she said smirking. Lucky for her, I had no objections. As long as they helped us. And as long as we were safe.

"Well, I hope they do their job well, because we're gonna need as much professional help as we can get. You've never been on a mission before, even though you believe you have all the qualities, and we don't even qualify as spies," Axel stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Lin finally put down her phone and clapped her hands.

"Which is why, you guys are gonna have some basic spy training during the one month before we leave, just to get ready," she beamed.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"How can we possibly become spies in just a month?" I cried.

Lin rolled her eyes,"Laila, you're not gonna be spies, just have enough self defense and skills to complete this mission," she said.

"Lin..." I murmured doubtfully.

"Oh, chill! Meet me at my house, tommorow," Lin exclaimed.

"But weren't you grounded last week!" I retorted.

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