[Chapter 53: The Activator]

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I held on to a branch and swung my body past the huge rocks. Pushing past the wild forest, in full speed. The more I thought about what happened, the more it propelled me forward. I glanced at my timer.

4 hours 20 minutes 5 seconds

Time was flowing by, quicker than expected. My journey to the tower had become longer, after the little detour. I estimated it would take me a little more than an hour to get to the tower, and that was in high speed. I had to pause and hide everytime a soldier passed. This delayed me even more.

However the longer the time that passed, the more time I had to let the grief and guilt eat their way into me.

I tried to put my conflicted emotions aside and focus on the task at hand.

Get to the tower and deactivate AHM333.

The sky battle peeked through the canopy of branches. It was intense. Saucers squaring off with fighter jets. I pondered on the upper hand the Atlanteans had.

Why did the aliens leave humans to fight the battle, despite their inadvanced technology?

They definitely had an ulterior motive. Them wanting me alive was one of them. Pushing aside my emotions, I began reanalysing what Axel said.

They manipulated Axel to kill me at first. But then, they had a change of plans. And now they wanted me alive. But keeping me alive would mean I could deactivate AHM333. Wasn't that a risk too high to take?

Then again, they took an even bigger risk to lure me to Bermuda. Then get Axel to bring me to them. Were they that confident that Axel would succeed?

Their actions puzzled me. It was like reading invisible words below a text of gibberish. Utter confusion.

I skidded to a stop at the slope that led down to the other end of the platform. I glanced down and saw a huge number of guard guarding the entire perimeter, as only about two hundred meters away, loomed the huge cone-shaped metallic tower.

The AHM333 activator.

I glanced at my timer.

1 hour 20 minutes 15 seconds

My heart began pounding. Would I have enough time to get past the guards and reach the tower?

I didn't need Dr. V-Ron to tell me the probability. I needed a miracle.

I wracked my brains for any ideas. I needed help. I glanced up at the saucers blasting lasers at their opponents.

That's it!

Channeling my Akashic thoughts, I sent a signal to the nearest craft. They were very engaged in the battle, it would be risky to divert their attention to me. But I had to nevertheless.

However, before I could relay the message, a huge missile flew from a direction far north, and squarely hit the craft. I gasped at the sight. The craft plummeted straight down, debris following its stead.

Unfortunately, yet fortunately, it crashed right where I needed it to be. I felt terrible for being glad of its demise, but it was my only way to make it past the guards. I grabbed at the chance, I stealthily made my way past the panicked retreating guards.

I dodged the falling debris, nearing the tower with every step. The tugging sensation almost made me loose my stealth, forcing me to rush forward carelessly. However, I tried my best to keep it at bay.

Once past the wrecked craft, the tower was only fifty meters away. But I was in plain sight now. Numerous Atlanteans soldiers were battling them on ground, but that did not mean I was free from their menace. Spotting me, the guards opened fire.

I hid behind the steaming craft, devising a plan. From my distance, I could see the entrance to the towers sealed shut. If I wanted to get into the towers quick enough without getting shot, I had to get the entrance opened first. There would be guards inside. I had to get past them as well.

I signalled a few soldiers to back me up. Then I removed an explosive from utility belt, then decided to use two more. Activating the three small cylindrical balls, I threw two at either side of me, and one straight at the entrance. Then braced for impact.

The explosion shook the ground immensely. I steeled myself and ran through them. The entrance was in flames but wide open, I bet some of the guards inside were burnt as well.

With several soldiers, I stepped into the AHM333 tower.

The guards immediately began shooting. I rushed past, the Atlanteans soldiers stalling the guards. I was at the cylindrical base of the tower. I saw an entrance that lead to a flight of stairs, to the higher floor.

I managed to get to it, and began my ascent, blasting the guards positioned at the steps. The clanging of the metal steps, followed by the sounds of blasts and falling bodies resounded for a long period of time.

Finally making it to the last of the steps, I blasted the line of guards and at last reached the activator.

I stepped into a spherical room, my head throbbing terribly. There were blue line spreading vertically and uniformly all over the walls, and it led to a single round crystal-like object at the centre of the room.

The crystal sphere had various colours swirling within it, drawing me towards its mesmerising pattern. Instantly, I knew this was the object that was giving me the tugging sensation.

I took a deep breath focusing my thoughts, then placing my hands on the sphere. Energy surged through my veins. A loud ringing resounded.

I ignored it all, not wasting any more time and delved into the Akashic.

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