[Chapter 22: Caught]

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Without thinking twice, I rushed out of the secret room and saw both the SW agents sprawled on the floor. I froze in place. I clamped my mouth to avoid a scream.

Three men clad in black suits and armed with guns were in the room. One of them had Lin, and had a gun pointing at her head.

"Follow our orders, or the girl dies," said one of the men, in a cold tone.

My mind went blank, at the sight of the dead SW agents, and Lin being held at gunpoint. Reality suddenly hit me like a truck.

I was a fool to think, I could have carried out a covert operation with no casualties.

My body was trembling. The Grey was right. It was only a matter of time before they found us. Only a matter of time before they annihilate me as well.

The two bulky men, about twice or thrice my size came towards me and Axel. I tried pulling a few moves on them, but they were like solid rock. And to think all of that training was going to help.

Struggling was pointless, with the huge man retaining me. I glanced at Axel, hoping he would surprise me with some amazing escape, like the countless times he somehow changed terrible outcomes.

But he did not.

Instead, he simply allowed the guard to shackle him. I gave him a desperate look, but he simply shook his head. His expression was grave as well.

Lin was at stake. We could not do anything.

I felt a pinprick on my neck and my body immediately felt numb. Struggling to stay conscious, I took one last glance at Lin who was also drugged before blacking out.

My eyes flickered open for a moment blinded by the blaring white light shining directly at my face. My body felt stiff.

The room was dark, and cold. I was shackled to a chair and sitting behind a grey table. A spotlight was blaring at my face.

I slowly tugged my hands. My wrists were bruised, as I felt a sharp pain jolt up my forearm. I looked to my sides and realised I was alone. Fear gripped me.

What happened to Lin and Axel?

Before I could contemplate, I heard footsteps coming towards me from behind. I froze in place. A man walked around the desk and stood, opposite of me.

He was clad in a military general's uniform. Hands clasped behind his broad back, he gave me a cold smile.

"A kid. A kid busted into a top secret U.S. facility. I'm impressed," he said in an amused tone.

I remained silent, staring down at the table.

"Tell me what brought you here, and I just might let you off," he said leaning toward me.

I still refused to say a word.

"You came specially to visit our little grey specimen. And why is that? What did you get out of your little chat?" He said, menacingly.

Realising I was not going to talk anytime soon, he gripped my chin roughly and forced my head upward. I met the cold eyes of the veteran soldier.

"Speak, girl. Or your friends will see the end of it," he threatened.

My lower lip was trembling at the mention of my friends, I forced the words out.

"You don't know what you're doing. You're being manipulated by them. By the real aliens, the real enemy," my voice cracked.

The general showed little emotion, as if he heard this line too many times, to even bother to respond.

"And what do you have to say about it? You are simply a child. Don't meddle in things like this," he said.

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