[Chapter 33: The Dreaded New Year]

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The party was in full swing when we arrived. Victor Marshall's bungalow was lit up with various coloured lights. People were littered all over the place.

I constantly kept tugging my dress down as we walked. It was still cold, and snow was piled at the sides of the driveway. I was wearing stockings, but still the dress was a little too short for my liking.

"Laila! Your dress is fine. Stop pulling it down," Lin ordered.

I grunted. We walked over to the front door where a security guard was standing with a clipboard. We told him our names, and got into the party.

The main hall was packed with bodies, causing it to be much warmer in the house, not just due to the central heating. I removed my coat and slung it onto my forearm.

Loud music was blaring from the speakers, and colourful lights illuminated the dark hall. Lin brought me over to the bar, and ordered cherry cokes. While we were sipping our drinks Victor Marshall came by greeted us.

"Lin! Glad you came," he said, slipping between Lin and I.

Obviously pushing me away, as he slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her away from me. Lin simply giggled and followed along.

I expected that much.

It was very like Lin to get sidetracked. I did not blame her. I was not the most sociable person in the world, hence I was terrible in parties. I did not know half of these people. To be honest, I bet most of these people dancing together did not even know each other.

No, I could not possibly be that friendly.

I gulped the last of my cherry coke and walked out of the packed hall through a corridor which led to an indoor pool. People were hanging by Victor's massive pool. I decided to avoid that area as well.

Seriously, why did I even come? Wasn't I supposed to be letting loose and enjoying?

Nope, my self-conscious just would not allow it.

I kept reminding myself that I was doing this for Lin, who was nowhere to be found!

While walking, I accidentally bumped into someone. Immediately apologizing while trying to move away, I was abruptly stopped when the guy grabbed my wrist.

"Hey... where'd ya think you're going, hottie?" He slurred.

I jerked at the mention of the word hottie. The drunk guy pulled me towards him.

"Let me go!" I cried.

He did otherwise, throwing his red paper cup aside and slinking an arm around my waist. His face inched closer and I almost gagged at his breath that reeked of alcohol.

Not letting him touch me any further, I elbowed him in the gut and grabbed his wrists, flipping him onto the ground, with his arms twisted behind his back.

Finally, my self-defense came in handy.

I twisted his arms a little more, before letting go and rushing out of the area. I made my way out of the house, through an exit at the pool area. It led  to the front yard, where the cars were parked.

Cold air pressed against my exposed arms and legs. I slipped on my coat which was hanging from my forearm.

In the end, here I was, out in the snow. Alone.

Scanning the parking lot, my eyes immediately fell onto the familiar black bike parked at the side.

Axel was here? I knew it!

I turned back, with a new goal to find Axel. Since Lin left me, might as well find another friend. I could bear not to stay around before another guy harassed me.

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